Daily Archives: December 14, 2009

Monday, December 14

Due Tuesday:

NOTE:  WE ARE OUT TO HAVE 100% of us bring in a one-pound can of ham or a 14 ounce can of pink salmon for St. John’s Food Pantry. Don’t forget to get yours! Tomorrow is DEADLINE! Thank you — these will be in the Holiday Food Bags given out to St. Johns.  Thanks to Ruby G and Jasper for bringing in today!

  1. Complete a typed (or hand written if you do not have computer access) letter based on the following handout. This will help tie up our study of Reconstruction and Part Time Indian. Recon / Alexie Handout Link Recon&PartTime


  1. Holiday Reading Assignment: Pick your book and have an adult read the assignment and sign your sheet. It says due Friday, and I have given an extension until tomorrow, Tuesday. You must have your book in your hand by tomorrow, no matter what. HolidayReading09-10  I will be recording a list of the books that you choose.