Monthly Archives: October 2009

Monday, October 5

Due Tuesday:

  • Read pages 3-11 in To Be a Slave and then complete the assignment. TBASPREVIEW

Due Wednesday:

  • Complete your interview with your subject by today (look for the assignment posted on Friday, if needed).
  • You will be getting other homework so plan accordingly! 🙂

Due Thursday:

  • Bring in a rough draft of your interview, typed up, 1-2 pages.

Due Friday:

  • Complete typing up your interview, add in the photograph and turn it in!

Friday, October 2

Due Monday, October 5:

1. Select person to interview and set up a time to interview him/her and complete interview by Wednesday morning. Better yet, do it this weekend!!!

Here is the assignment: FamilyInterviewRev

Here is Momii’s example: FamInterMollyRev

2. Read pages 3-12 in To Be A Slave (TBAS).  Just read and enjoy it.  Read it twice if you need to. Understand what he’s saying.  It sets up our book.  I will be performing a book talk on Monday. Don’t read any further please.

3. If you did not, complete annotating every page of the Meltzer essay and complete handout questions. You must have the handout with you to complete the annotations. Here are the questions: MeltzerQuestions

Be prepared to make an historian’s Want Add on Monday in splits.

O N G O I N G:

For Wednesday, October 5: Complete your Family/Friend Historical Interview and be sure to take down at least 3 direct quotations. Also, remember to take a photograph!

For Friday, October 9: Complete your  Family/Friend Historical Interview write-up and scan in a photograph!