Check out the “Theme B” inspired poems on the bulletin board when you come to school on Monday! Great job, everyone.
Due Monday:
1. Read chapter 1 and 2 in Lincoln: A Photobiography. Be quiz ready!
2. Review major topics in “Plantation” Chapter 3 from TBAS and be quiz ready* for that, too.
*When I say “quiz ready” I mean that you should be able to remember examples from the section of reading that represent major themes or ideas. On quizzes like this in Core, you will often be asked to give me an example about something or describe what you remember. I don’t put tricks or expect you to memorize; I want to know if you have read the material.
3. Select and order or buy in a bookstore your Civil War Independent Book Project book due Monday, October 26. Start this process now so you have it in your hand on time for this important due date. Remember, you will have about one month to read the book and you will also want to select something on your reading level or just a bit above it. Here is the list from which you may select: CivilWarBookChoices0910