Daily Archives: October 8, 2009

Thursday, October 8

Due Friday:

  • Based our activity in class, revise your family/friend interview, add in your photo if you haven’t.
  • Turn it in your final draft with your rough draft and your peer edit sheet.  Also, bring a treat to share in class if you wish!

Note: you will be sharing your work aloud in groups of 3 tomorrow and to the class.

Due Tuesday, October 13:

1.    Read chapter 1 of TBAS and select 3 passages you find striking, interesting or important. Copy down the page # and then write a paragraph about each passage, saying why you chose it, responding to it and/or connecting it to other parts of the text.

2.    Complete reading the article about Michelle Obama and slavery from Thursday’sNYTimes.  Underline important sections.  Write a letter that is ¾ of a page long to Michelle Obama. Begin with [Dear Ms. Obama] and sign your name. In your letter, detail your reaction to the article about her family history, including at least one quotation from the article. You may want to connect it to our study of To Be a Slave.

Note: Here is a link to the article:  http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/08/us/politics/08genealogy.html.  There are also 35 primary source documents loaded onto the NYTimes webiste that show how the historian did her work! Very cool. We will look at these next week.