Wednesday, September 23

Due Thursday:

1. Choose the Human/Civil Rights topic that you would like to do your project on.

2. Think of the creative concept of your project and begin to get materials for it.

3. Read the “Eighth Grade Core” packet of rules and expectations.  Sign and have your parent or guardian sign it, too.

4. Read over the Civil/Human Rights Action Art project rubric.  Know what it will take to get an A on this project. Bring any questions that you have to class tomorrow.

5. Bring in your Three Cups of Tea book for advisory.

Due Friday:

1. We will have a work day in class so you must bring in materials that you will need to do a significant amount of work on your project in class.  I will grade you in that class based on how much work you complete then.

2. Type and turn in a FINAL draft of your Theme B poems for your FINAl grade on that piece.