Tuesday, September 15

Tuesday, September 15

WOW! What an exciting day to see the President twice yesterday! Thank you for enjoying that amazing moment with me and as a community!

Due Wednesday, September 15:

1. Typed first draft of your “Theme” poem. Be prepared to share.
2. “Eyes on the Prize” Preparation Worksheet. define the vocabulary that relates to our study of Melba and the Little Rock Nine (below)

Eighth Grade Core Name_____________

Key Terms for Eyes on the Prize

I know one thing we did right was the day we started to fight.

Keep your eyes on the prize hold on, hold on.

-From a Traditional Civil Rights Song

We will be viewing a portion of the video series Eyes on the Prize, which examines the Civil Rights Era in the United States. The segment we will see deals specifically with the desegregation of southern schools. During this period in American history, more legislation was passed, more court decisions made, and more social change decided in the name of civil rights than ever before.

The video mentions some of the following key terms that will be important for the rest of the year. Using the Constitution, a dictionary, the encyclopedia, the internet, and your own knowledge, write definitions to the terms below. You may use note form and you may work with a partner, but you each must write the answers separately so each have them in your binders.

1. Emancipation Proclamation
2. Federal Authority
3. States’ Rights
4. A Moderate
5. A Radical
6. Integration
7. Anti-segregationist
8. Gradualism
9. Mob rule
10. “Dixie”
11. 11. “With all deliberate speed” (term from Brown v. Board of Education. You may not find this term online; try to figure out what it means or how it was used in the Court’s decision. If you can not find it, take a guess!).
12. “Equal treatment under the law
13. Dwight D. Eisenhower
14. The NAACP