Daily Archives: May 7, 2009

Thursday, May 7

Today was the last day to post about your 5th Sustainability Visit and your 6th post about the Teach-In was due last week. Many of you are missing at least one of these posts. Expect to be in Study Group on Friday and to have your grade lowered if you did not complete 5 Sustainability Visits.  Speak with me first thing if you are one of these folks!

For Friday:

  1. Spend at least 45 minutes on the final To Kill a Mockingbird Assignment! Bring in any questions you have about them. Only SELECT one.
  2. Bring in your DC permission slip if you have not! Forms, packing list, etc. are posted below.

Due Monday:

Final TKAM Assignment due at 8:20 AM!

For Tuesday:

Meet at 7:45 AM for Gettysburg/DC Trip departure! PLEASE NOTE: All the forms are posted below in a post from earlier today.