Monthly Archives: April 2009

Tuesday, April 7

Great job on your memorized poems!  🙂

Due Wednesday:

SUSTAINABILITY VISITS & B L O G  POSTS–all 5 visits should be completed by Monday, April 20th! 

If you are needing a visit, consider one of these:

1. Thursday, April 9 at 3:30 PM to Whole Foods with Jonah. See him for details! 

2. Museum of Arts and Design at 2 Columbus Circle to see Second Lives: Remixing the Ordinary to see art made of recycled materials.,/greater%20than/,/0/,/false/,/true&action=advsearch

See Also:


To post on the sustainability blog, you need cut and paste this into your browser:  The password is something you can find out from your classmates–hint: it’s the reverse of the name of our blog.  NOTE: YOU MUST ALSO CLICK off the 2008-2009 box AND then click the box in front of your name right after you compose the journal entry and before you click publish. Look under Blog Post Directions on the upper right of the blog for more clarity.

Monday, April 6

Due Tuesday:

  • Read TKAM chapters 4 & 5 (pages 32-50) and be quiz-ready!
  •  4 visits and 4 blog posts on the Sustainability Project website. No exceptions, unless you have spoken with me! Directions for posting are below, at the very bottom of today’s post, just in case.
  • If you have a lap top, please bring it to school.
  • We will go over Graphic Organizer tomorrow. Begin completing it!

Due Wednesday: 

Sustainability Exposé Writing and Teach-In Planning Graphic Organizer! This must be written and saved on a drive or emailed to yourself so that you can cut and paste from it.


**All 5 visits should be completed by Monday, April 20th & preferably sooner!

If you are needing a visit, consider one of these:

1. Thursday, April 9 at 3:30 PM to Whole Foods with Jonah. See him for details! 

2. Museum of Arts and Design at 2 Columbus Circle to see Second Lives: Remixing the Ordinary to see art made of recycled materials.,/greater%20than/,/0/,/false/,/true&action=advsearch

See Also:


To post on the sustainability blog, you need cut and paste this into your browser:  The password is something you can find out from your classmates–hint: it’s the reverse of the name of our blog.  NOTE: YOU MUST ALSO CLICK off the 2008-2009 box AND then click the box in front of your name right after you compose the journal entry and before you click publish. Look under Blog Post Directions on the upper right of the blog for more clarity.

Thursday, April 2

I will not be here tomorrow; I will be doing your report cards!  Be great and enjoy the day.  Joanne will do Midsummer Night’s Dream with you for Core All.  Love that play! 🙂

See you Monday!  Remember, we have next Thursday & Friday off for Passover and Good Friday.

Due Monday:

  • To Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM) handout ch. 1– Skip questions 1, 2, & 3.  Complete all questions on TKAM ch. 1 (except 1, 2 & 3)
  • Read ch. 2 & 3 in TKAM and be quiz-ready!
  • A poem from your poetry anthology memorized and ready for recitation according the the guidelines of the poetry recitation rubric.
  • 4 visits and 4 blog posts on the Sustainability Project website! If you are needing a visit, consider Going to the Museum of Arts and Design at 2 Columbus Circle to see Second Lives: Remixing the Ordinary to see art made of recycled materials.,/greater%20than/,/0/,/false/,/true&action=advsearch

See Also:

Due Wednesday: 

Sustainability Exposé Writing and Teach-In Planning Graphic Organizer! This must be written and saved on a drive or emailed to yourself so that you can cut and paste from it.

April 1, 2009

Due Thursday:

  • Read chapters 1-4 in FDR.  Answer the comprehension questions for chapter 4 on the handout.

Due Monday:

  • Your poem memorized and ready to recite for the entire class.  Use the Poetry Recitation guide to understand what you will be graded on. (Scroll to previous post for that handout.)
  • 4 visits and 4 blog posts.  Begin to brainstorm what issue/problem is your main one.  That problem/issue will be the one you focus on for the Teach-In.


  1. This is on April 29, 2009
  2. Each group will be presenting a substantial presentation to 5-7 graders.
  3. Each group will also run a fun, hands-on activity related to their topic. Think cooking activities, art/building projects, educational games!!!!!  Almost like a 45-60 minute Minimester.
  4. Begin brainstorming about what YOU are going to do!
  5. Lastly, students will also be a part of a set-up group that will help to decorate the school and do other things prior to the Teach-In.  More Later!!!


I will give a test on Friday to the substitute that will cover some basic questions from every part of the 3rd quarter work.  You may want to review what we’ve done so far starting at winter break. I need this grade to add to your test grades this quarter.  (April Fools!!!!)