Daily Archives: April 22, 2009

Wednesday, April 22

Due Thursday:

1. FDR chapter 6.  Read ONLY pages 87-97 and complete ONLY questions 1-7 on handout.

2. TOMORROW you will do a DRESS REHEARSAL of your workshop in front of an adult who will critique you and help you make it great. Bring in all the materials you will need for the workshop. If your materials are not all ready, bring them in whatever state they are in, as you will have time to work on them in school as well.

3. Continue work on your SET UP groups for the Teach In–it’s only 7 days away!!  GET YOUR GREEN T SHIRT FOR NEXT WEDNESDAY TOO!

4. Your 5th Sustainability Visit and post WERE due Monday. Speak with me if you have not done them! (So far Kirra and Liam M are the only ones who have spoken with me…).