Daily Archives: February 25, 2009

Wednesday, Feb 25

Due Thursday:

  •  Complete the handout on Triangle Factory Fire internet investigation.  Use the website on the handout given in class and be prepared to discuss your findings
  • Make progress with your sustainability project.  If you have not yet visited a location, YOU MUST get moving on that.  The quality of your final grade will depend on the effort that you put into this project.  Again, talk to Sarah or I, your parents, friends’ parents, make calls, do whatever you can to volunteer at an organization of your choice.  

Due Next Wednesday (plan ahead because I want quality, thoughtful poems!)

  • Using inspiration from today’s writing workshop (either Love That Dog or “Metaphors and Similes”) write THREE poems, type them on separate sheets of paper and be prepared to share them in class.  Your poems my not be skimpy four liners.  They must have depth, meaning, a voice, humor or seriousness, a mood, and meaning for you.  Try your best and get started early.  We will have a “poetry slam” celebration in class and read our poems in he next few weeks.