Daily Archives: February 20, 2009

Friday, February 20

Due Monday:

Read the excerpt from Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the American Meal (the book the film was based upon) by Eric Schlosser. This is nonfiction, and is an example of investigative journalism. Complete questions on handout.  (Please note that the due date on this sheet is incorrect, and the blog is not letting me correct it! It’s due Monday, Feb. 23).  It was started in class on Friday when I was out.  **If you were absent, this is an easy book to get a the library or bookstore, and I recommend doing this so you are not behind.  Excerpts: Chapter 8: “The Most Dangerous Job,” pages 169-178 & 187-190
Chapter 9: ”What’s In the Meat,” pages 204-205.

Due Wednesday:

Using our models from Writing workshop, write 3 odes to ordinary, everyday objects using unexpected and vivid similes and metaphors. Typed and with proper headings, please!

O N G O I N G:

By now you should ALL have a sustainability visit (1 or more!) and a blog post up! Many of you do not.  If you have not spoken with me, I can’t help you set something up! Email me with questions or concerns and keep being unstoppable in setting up visits! Remember, your posts are PUBLIC and must be respectful and professional.  The directions for posting are on the blog–follow the format.

To post go to blog.lrei.org/greencore/wp-admin.  The password is something you can find out from your classmates–hint: it’s the reverse.  NOTE: WE DIDN’T TELL YOU THIS BUT YOU MUST ALSO CLICK off the 2008-2009 box above your name and then click the box in front of your name as well on the right after you compose the journal entry. Look it up under Blog Post Directions for more clarity.