Daily Archives: February 19, 2009

Thursday, Feb 19


1. If you have not visited a sustainability organization and posted, you MUST!  See Sarah tomorrow with questions and concerns.

2. Disc Dance tomorrow at Friends Seminary!  Bring in your signed permission slip (Lynne emailed a copy to your parents if you were not here to get the handout) and your $6.00!

 Due Friday:

“Fast Food Nation: The Film:” questions and comparisons to The JungleAssignment attached. 

**If you were absent, you will need to catch up on viewing this.  The film is rated R and is graphic; we sent a letter home letting your parents know it has swear words in it.  It is a dramatization, using real footage in some parts, of the book, which is a true account of the meat processing industry.   We only watched the following clips or chapters from the DVD, as the rest is not relevant to our course of study (and is inappropriate for in-school) . Fast Food Nation: The Film: See Chapters 3, 7, 8, 12, 14 (just first half), 18, 19 (just first half), 22, 23, 25, 26, 27 (& 27 has a VERY intense animal slaughter–kids chose to leave the room today; watch at your own discretion but NOT NECESSARY)

Due Monday:

Read the excerpt from Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the American Meal (the book the film was based upon) by Eric Schlosser, and complete questions on handout.  It was started in class on Friday when I was out.  **If you were absent, this is an easy book to get a the library or bookstore, and I recommend doing this so you are not behind.  Assignment covers only pages 169-178 and 187-190 and 204-205.

Due Wednesday:

Using our models from Writing workshop, write 3 odes to ordinary, everyday objects using unexpected and vivid similes and metaphors. Typed and with proper headings, please!