Daily Archives: February 9, 2009

Monday, Feb 9

Due Tuesday: 

  • First. Reflect on our Socratic Seminar on Lady L.  (separate sheet of paper)
  1. What did you like/not like about the “Lady L” discussion and why?
  2. What did you learn about what makes a good discussion from the two socratic seminars we’ve had so far?
  3. Make at least one suggestion for what the class, as a whole, needs to work on to build better conversations. 
  4. What ideas do you have on new “tasks” that the outside circle could track?
  5. Choose one of the readings from “Lady L”, the one that you found most striking or affecting.  What did you want to say about it that didn’t get said? Use a quotation from it in your writing. 
  • B.  Second. Look at the “Sustainability Blog” from last year.
  1. Review the blog posting requirements under the “Project Expectations” link in the left-hand side column.
  2. Find a good blog posting from last year’s eighth grade and cut it out, paste into a word document and print out to turn in tomorrow. (Make sure that your name is on this)
  • **** Change in first Blog posting deadline:
  •  FIRST BLOG POST DUE ON TUESDAY, FEB 17.  This will give you more time to make contact and a visit to an organization!!!! 
  • You must have had a conversation–via email or by phone–with a sustainability contact and set up your first visit by Tuesday!  You should also be educating yourself about your issue and collecting information.