Daily Archives: February 4, 2009

Wednesday, February 4

Wow! Great job with the film today; I was thrilled with the response. (from Sarah Barlow!).

  • Due Thursday:
  1.  Write a 3/4 of a page, typed response to the film, “Fuel.”  Use the responsive writing rubric, if you find it helpful. If you want to get some more info,  here is a link: http://thefuelfilm.com/. 
  2. Make at least one NEW sustainability contact by phone or email.Be able to prove you have done this!  By Friday, you should aim to have a meeting or visit set up. 

Due Friday:

  • Read “Lady L” chapter in the Age of Extremes book.  Go on to look up & define the words in the packet, and annotate the packet (make mad amounts of notes on questions, on connections to you, to the world, to core, to current events to history and literature, capture things it makes you think of, wonder about, just really dig in deeply to the texts) for a Lady Liberty Socratic Seminar on Friday. Your annotations will be GRADED, so go wild!