Daily Archives: December 15, 2008

Monday, December 15

Due Thursday:

1. Read pages 100-130 in Montana 1948.

2. Recall the idea of symbolism in literature, when someone or something represents a larger idea or theme in a story.  Think about a passage in the book that may show symbolism.  Recall Uncle Frank’s doctor bag described by David, which we discussed in class (page 87).  Be prepared to write critically about this paragraph and another one in class.

Due Wednesday:

1. Finish Montana 1948 pg 130-175

2. We will not have Writer’s Workshop on this day. We will prepare for Thursday’s exam on Montana 1948.

Due Friday:

1. Turn in your 2nd draft of your Personal Narrative.  We will not work on these in class, I will read them over the break.  You should have 2 drafts at this point.  All Drafts MUST be kept.