Monday, November 10

**Your Civil War letter #3 deadline is extended until Wednesday. So, tonight, you should:

a.    Add in the requirements of “Two things I learned about the Civil War or the Civil War time period…”, use the original assignment packet for ideas that can make your letter interesting and full of content, ask questions to your partner to push their thinking deeper about their book. Also, use the heading that is outlined in the packet!

b.    If needed, add sentences and/or parts of speech to Lincoln chapter 3 vocabulary list. Make SURE that your sentence demonstrates the word’s meaning (this is another step beyond using it properly).

c.    Due Tuesday: the vocabulary and sentences below that are from Lincoln ch 4 (you do not need to read the chapter–just do the vocabulary and sentences).

Lincoln: A Photobiography
Chapter 4: Half Slave and Half Free

Directions:  Look up the following words, define them and give their part of speech.  Then go on to use each word in a sentence of your own making that shows you understand the word’s meaning.  We’ll talk more about how to do this in class.

Please note:
You must use the word’s definition that MATCHES its use in the book!  (That’s why the page numbers are included).  You may work with a partner on this, but you must make up your own sentences.  For the quiz, you will be asked to know:
a. part of speech
b. definitions
c. how to make a sentence that demonstrates the word’s meaning.

Chapter 4
1.    Sprawling (45)
2.    Abolitionist (46)
3.    Popular sovereignty (50)
4.    Rigged (52)
5.    Floundered (55)
6.    Modestly (57)
7.    Race-baiting (59)
8.    Enumerated (60)
9.    Degradation (65)
10.    Seceded (65)
11.    Inauguration (65)
12.    Sovereign (65)

d.    Due Wednesday:

1. Civil War letter #3 (book should be halfway read by then! )

2. Writer’s notebook assignment about your photo.