Thursday, March 6

Due Friday, March 7

1. Complete the questions on Chapter One of To Kill a Mockingbird. File the handout in your binder as the beginning of a To Kill a Mockingbird section–you need all the handouts for the final essay you will write at the end of the book! Don’t lose anything related to your work on this book!

2. Revise your five “best” poems and re-title them if necessary using the Titling Guidelines. Complete the Poetry Self-Assessment and turn the assessment and poems in Friday morning at 8:20am.


Due Monday, March 10th

1. Complete your Progressive Era Final, the Muckraker Poster Project. You will present this poster to the class on Monday during Core All.


o n g o i n g h o m e w o r k

1. Review the Poetry Reading and Memorization Assignment and choose which collection of poetry you want to read over the next five weeks. Remember, the poem you memorize does not have to be from the poetry collection you read. You must have a personal copy of the poetry collection in hand by next Wednesday, March 12th, so don’t delay!

3. Keep up the sustainability projects and posts! See me if you are stuck. You must have at least five journal posts (with the connected log posts) before the Day of Learning on April 30th.