1. Complete your book project. Remember, it will be PRESENTED in splits, DISPLAYED, and GRADED on (1) originality, (2) content , (3) presentation. Ask yourself: Have I excelled in all three areas?
Have a great weekend and enjoy the dance!
1. Complete your book project. Remember, it will be PRESENTED in splits, DISPLAYED, and GRADED on (1) originality, (2) content , (3) presentation. Ask yourself: Have I excelled in all three areas?
Have a great weekend and enjoy the dance!
1. Using Chapter 12 of Freedom’s Unfinished Revolution (pages 263-272, excluding documents), complete the “Charting Retreat” part of the packet.
2. Continue work on your winter break book project, due Monday, January 14th. Make it stellar!
3. Core B: Bring your independent reading book.