Daily Archives: December 18, 2007

Wednesday, December 19

1. Create your final draft of your personal narrative for Thursday’s Publishing Party. There is a very specific way to format these: use “Georgia” font, 11 or 12 point, 1.5 or double spaced, .8” or 1” margins all around, 2 pages maximum. The heading should include the Title and the Author’s Name and NOTHING ELSE (not even “by” the author).

2. Bring in your winter independent reading books for a homework check.

3. Bring in a homemade gift for your secret gift exchange partner, marked with a TO but not with a FROM, and leave it on my desk Thursday morning.

4. Bring the item below for the Publishing Party, enough for about ten people.

cups: Manny and Maya PH

plates: Ella and Julian

napkins: Amy

cookies/baked goods: Hannah, Zaran, and Brianna

juice/soda: Nicholas, Jack, and Gaia

carrots/celery: Lili

fruit: Taylor

cream cheese/butter: Niles

hummus/ranch dip: Sam

crackers: Sasha

bagels: Maya P. and Calen

chips: Robbie

Tuesday, December 18

1. Prepare your 1 one-sided page of notes for the Montana 1948/Reconstruction in-class writing activity. Include the question you are answering! I strongly recommend that you make an outline so that you have a clear structure for what you want to write.

2. Continue fixing up your personal narrative. Share it with an adult or peer who you trust to give you honest feedback. Final draft is due Thursday for our Publishing Party.

3. Core A: Bring your independent reading book (the winter break one or another one).

4. Everyone: Your winter break independent reading book is due IN HAND on Thursday!