Daily Archives: October 26, 2007

Friday, October 26

1. Read all of Chapter 6 of To Be a Slave (pages 130-143). Create a symbolic representation based on a quotation from the chapter. For more details, see handout.

2. Progress toward the 3/5th point in your Civil War book. TWO IDENTICAL COPIES of your 3rd letter to your partner are due at 8:20am next Tuesday morning (Oct. 30) due to Minimester beginning Wednesday (Oct. 31). YOU HAVE BEEN FOREWARNED: you have less time than usual to read and write your letter!

3. If you are not satisfied with the grade you received on your To Be a Slave resistance to slavery essay, please significantly revise the essay and turn it in to me BEFORE MINIMESTER for an improved grade. If you would like to meet with me for revision help, please set up an appointment in advance!