Category: Uncategorized

le 15 fevrier

Both classes:

Answer these questions in complete sentences by the end of the class on Friday. You will be expected to use your class time wisely or work on it at home.

This is what you will use for your Project Presentation. It is worth 50% of your grade.

The visual component is due with the final sentences next Thursday, February 24.

Do NOT translate on the computer. I WILL KNOW!!! And you will have to redo your work.

1. Où se trouve la ville? -(au nord, au sud, a l’est, a l’ouest)

2. Quelle est la région de la ville ?/Quel est le département ?

3. Comment est la géographie de la région ?/What is the geography of your region ?

4. Quelle est la population?

5. Comment est le climat?

6. Quelles sont 5 dates importantes dans l’histoire?

7. Décris un monument important ? Use adjectives. At least 3-5,in full sentences.

8. Quelle est la spécialité de la ville ?

9. Quelle est une fête de la ville ?

10. Qu’est-ce que tu aimes de cette ville ? 5 sentences minimum.

le 13 avril

S8 and M8:

Reflections are due in your folder. Put in your Unit Test or the Un Ete Test and at least one journal entry.

S8: Finish A,B,C,D,and E In Un Ete, chapter 12.

M8: Bring vocabulary definitions from chapter 12.

Both classes: Keep working on your project research…

le 12 avril

1. Finish the second and third sections of the City Project outline.

2. Reflections are due for those of you who did not turn one in today.

le 25 janvier


In the textbook, write out all of the answers on p. 213, act. 11

You only need to write the question once to show me that you understand the structure.

You will need to have 4 negative responses.

le 14 janvier

Complete the tops of pages 120 and 127 in the new Petit Cahier. Refer to the new textbook for vocabulary!

le 17 novembre


In the Grand Cahier, you need to complete the following activities :

A,C, E, F, G and H on pages 60-66. Due next time.


Your verb projects are due filly completed tomorrow at the beginning of the class. Also, complete the assignment above if you didn’t finish in class yesterday.

le 19 novembre

In the Grand Cahier, complete E on page 64 and all of pages 65-67. Be sure that your flashcards are totally done.

Study for the VERB quiz. You will have it tomorrow.

The same except that your quiz is on Monday.

le 22 septembre

Work on the 2 pages in the petit cahier that we began during the class today. Finish this by Thursday. Be sure to use your textbook in order to check your spelling and the proper usage of the vocabulary. Come to IWP if you have any questions! 

le 23 janvier

In case you didn’t write down the homework in the last class, here is the assignment due tomorrow, le 24 janvier:

*In the textbook (hard cover book) do p. 28, act. 3
*Make flashcards from p. 27 in the textbook
*Petit Cahier(small workbook) top of page 16.