Category: Sixth Grade French

le 12 fevrier

For the next class you should have the following completed in WRITING:

1. The names of the characters (personnages)

2. The setting (what kind of a restaurant, cafe, etc.)

3. The occasion

4. Why you are with the other person (are you friends? family?)

5. How you intend to have the server participate (puppet, another person)

*You will be expected to begin writing the script as soon as you come into the classroom!

F6 will be affected by the ERB schedule. We won’t meet until next week, so you and your partner(s) need to have 15 lines of script written out by next Tuesday. All of you in each group will need to show me a copy. This should include at least 3 of the topics indicated in the blog from the 11 fevrier.

le 11 fevrier

You will be working on your skits for the next 2 weeks.
You will be graded based on the written drafts (rough draft and final draft), the process (how deadlines are being met and how you are working together in your group), and the final presentation (pronunciation, memorization, and visuals).
This will count as a major project.

Please demonstrate that you understand the following:

1. Greetings, both formal and informal
2. Telling your friend or acquaintance what you would like to eat and drink in response to a question about this topic (both of you would say this)
3. Asking a server to bring you your choices (the server asks what you would like)
4. Ask how much a specific item costs (masculine and feminine)
5. Talk about the weather (all 4 seasons and an expression of weather for each one)
6. Mention the days of the week and the months of the year in some context
7. Talk about telling time; show that you understand ‘o clock, minutes after an hour, minutes before an hour, a quarter after, thirty after, a quarter ’til, midnight, noon.
8. Use the vocabulary for having an appointment
9. Ask how much the total amount for the bill is
10. Try to pay and ask your friend to borrow some money

Include 5 foods and five beverages, use the formal and informal ways to ask for something, include “please” and “thank you”, and discuss the above topics within the boundaries of your knowledge. This is to assess you on the units that we have been studying. DO NOT TRANSLATE ON THE COMPUTER! You may look up a few words or expressions (no more than 10 in total) and you must include the structures and the vocabulary from the lessons.

le 6 fevrier

We will begin the skits during the next class for both L6 and F6. You will receive a guideline for the requirements. Be familiar with vocabulary dealing with the weather, the days of the week, the months of the year, food, money, how to order in a restaurant, and telling time.

le 4 fevrier

1. Come in prepared with an explanation of why we pronounce the “t” in the word “est” in the expression “Quelle heure est-il” but do not pronounce it in the sentence “Il est huit heures.”

You need to give me an explanation as well as examples of each type of pronunciation situation.

2. In the petit cahier, complete the Cultural Pages that we looked at in class today, pp. 55-58.

le 30 janvier

* Bring in a print-out of the weather from the website “languages on line.” See previous blog from this week. (L6 AND F6)

*L6: In the Grand Cahier (French is Fun Workbook), complete p. 51 C, p. 52 D, p. 53 F.

*F6: Draw ten clocks and write out the times in a sentence form. Only use the right half of the clock for this activity. Use the expressions “et quart” and “et demie” as well as the other numbers on the clock. DO NOT use the expression “moins” for this activity.

le 28 janvier

Go to the google website: type in “languages on line” and click. GO to Francais on the left side.  Do some exploring and try to find:1.The section that has food vocabulary ;  2. The section on the weather;  3. The section on puzzles and games to look for something that you might find interesting.  Do one activity from each of the above sections. If you cannot access the website, let me know at IWP tomorrow or Wednesday and we can look at it together. Print out each activity that you do. Keep it simple and have the activity match some of the vocabulary that we have already studied. You can do this during class tomorrow if you didn’t see the blog early enough!  IMPORTANT: Tomorrow go to the Foreign Language room to get headphones and the CD Rom that we usually use. You are signed up to use the computer room. Steve will be there expecting you (both classes at your regular times). I will be away with my advisory until 10:15. Do the activities that will help you to review for a quiz on the food vocabulary. 

le 24 janvier

*In the Grand Cahier (French is Fun), read p.49 and do the following:

all of the exercises on p. 49
all the exercises on p. 50
p. 51: #’s 1 a and b, 2a, 3a

L6: see yesterday’s blog and do the above hw as well.

le 23 janvier

*Read pages 56 and 57 in the textbook thoroughly so that we can begin telling time in French next time.
*Read and complete pages 46 and 47 in the Grand Cahier (French is Fun).

*Same as F6, and add act. 1 and act. 2, p. 57. Write out all of the questions and answers thst the activities tell you to do. Disregard if it says you need a partner!

le 22 janvier

*We will be getting ready to write our skits as soon as we complete the telling time section.
This will count as a test grade.

*Homework (les devoirs) for tomorrow for both sections of 6th grade:

Make flashcards for the following pages- p. 53, p.61, p.62 and p.65.
Make separate cards for the days and the months. Do not use English, but rather make an
illustration on the back of the cards, unless there is no way that you can do it based on the
meaning if the word.
There are cards in the Foreign Language Room. Cut them in half so that they are not too big.

le 18 decembre

There will not be any homework during the break. However, tomorrow we will be working on the skit that we began talking about today in class.
You must turn in your petit cahier by Thursday (small workbook). This is an important part of your work this quarter.

Be ready to start writing the scene during the class tomorrow if you are in Frank’s class.
This will be a major grade during the 3rd quarter.