Category: Sixth Grade French

le 17 septembre

F6: In the new French Is Fun Book (also referred to as “le grand cahier”, as opposed to the small workbook or “le petit cahier”), complete the following exercises:

P. 172, B and p. 173, D.

L6: In the grand cahier, complete the following:
p. 159, C
p. 162, I and J
finish J on the top of p. 163

le 12 septembre

Since we did not meet on Thursday because of the September Concert, there is no homework.
Bon weekend!

le 29 mai

Your recipes are due next time with the French translations of the INGREDIENTS and the COOKING UTENSILS AND BOWLS, etc.

BE ready to cook and bring the dish in on Tuesday.

Reflections are due ASAP!

Finish the French is Fun work from yesterday by next time…

le 23 mai

You should be studying for your Verb Test which is next Wednesday for both classes. See blog from le 22 mai for details.

Your reflection for French that will count as the report card comment should be emailed to me by Tuesday as well at :

Think about the following questions as you write your reflection and choose a minimum of 6 to answer:

Reflect upon your participation in group work and in-class discussions.

Look back over the entire year and reflect upon how you and your learning process have changed.

Think about all the work you’ve done in class this year. What strengths emerge from this work?

In what ways has your work improved this year? Describe the differences you see between the beginning of the year and now.

What areas still need work? How do you plan to work on them next year?

What ways do you learn best? Select 1 or 2 pieces of work that you did this year of which you are particularly proud. What do you think these items show about you as a learner? What have you discovered about yourself as a learner this year?

What areas do you still need to work on improving?
Are you satisfied with your effort this year? Explain.

Comment on the quality and organization of your work.

Comment on your class participation (listening, questioning, offering ideas, etc.).

Choose one project/test that you felt you did not reflect your best work. a. Which aspects of this project were not your best? b. Why do you think you did not do as well ? c. What could you have done differently to improve your performance?

le 22 mai

Don’t forget that your VERB TEST is next week. You need to know the verbs on pages 71 and 79 in French is Fun as well as the verbs and expressions in the textbook, on pages 74, 75, 77, and 78.

You should be done with your recipe and thinking about cooking it the week after next! You need to know where specifically it comes from in France.

The reflections for the report cards are also due after the weekend. Please type the reflection and emial it me at: no later than Tuesday evening. See the blog tomorrow for guidelines.

le 20 mai

For both 6th grade French classes:

You should be beginning to study for your upcoming test on the verbs. You will be expected to know the meanings of the verbs in the textbook and the French is Fun workbook. The infinitives in the workbook are on pages 71 and 79.

Conjugation, negation and the question structure will all be on the test. The test will be next Wednesday, May 28.

Homework for tonight: finish the exercises in the French is Fun workbook on pages 85 and 86.

le 8 avril

1. All of your research must be done by tomorrow. This includes additional information that you may need to get in order to have 3 good categories in order to be able to make an outline.

You need to be sure that you have your sources so that you can make a bibliography from a book, the internet, and an encyclopedia.

I need your visual proposals as well. Some of you are late with these.

2. The geography packet is due with the pages that we discussed in class fully completed. You should have written that down so I am not putting it up here. We went over it in class today several times, so I hope you all will have it next time.

le 2 avril

*Project research will continue until the beginning of next week. You must have at least 50 facts by the end of this week.

*The outline process will be taught next week and you will be required to put your facts into this structure.

*Keep track of your sources; you need a total of 3 differrent sources: at least one resource such as an encyclopedia, one book, and internet sites (they will all count as one type of a source.) You will be required to have a formal bibliography included in your paper.

*A proposal of your visual piece is due next Tuesday.

le 9 mars

Now that your Skits are completed, we will have a celebration! (Those of you who have not yet presented will be expected to be ready no later than Wednesday of this week in order to get credit for this project/test.) We will decide what we are going to do to celebrate during our next class. We will also talk about your next project. Please bring your textbooks and “French is Fun” workbook to class this week.

le 24 fevrier

Your completed rough drafts are due next time. You should have at least 60 lines, which include all of the vocabulary and expressions that were given to you in the guidelines. If you don’t have that sheet, look back at the blogs from the first two weeks in February and you will find the information that you need.The rough draft must be typed with the corrections made that I indicated on your papers. We will be finishing the final drafts this week and then begin working on the memorization and the props.