Category: Sixth Grade French

le 24 novembre

L6 only:  In the textbook, complete activity 2, p. 76. Write out 6 of the answers in the negative form (Je n’aime pas…) and six in the affirmative (J’aime). Follow the example in the activity.

le 18 novembre

You must bring your flashcards/studyguide to class tomorrow so that I can check them.
We will be having a QUIZ next Monday on the verb meanings that we have been working on. Meaning and spelling count!!!

Homwork in the Grand Cahier is to complete the pages about the clocks: pages 47-55, ALL except p. 51, A & B, and no H on p. 55. You should have completed at least 4 of these pages already a few weeks ago.

Your QUIZ is on Thursday. In the Grand Cahier, complete pages 47-52 (DO NOT DO A & B on p. 51.)

le 17 novembre

L6 AND F6:

You should be working on your flashcards/study guide. Use your textbook for the proper spelling and the meanings. DO NOT write in English. Draw pictures instead to help you to remember the meanings.
The pages for this section are: 74, 75, 77, and 78. The verbs are due next time (mardi).

le 29 octobre

  Here are your reflection questions. Please answer them and put them in your advisory folder no later than Friday. You should add one piece of work that you would like to talk about during your family conference next week. See me if you are not sure what to put in the folder. 

  1. What are 2 strengths in this class?
  2. What is an area that you feel could use improvement?
  3. What is at least one goal for next quarter as well as one for the entire year in this class?
  4. What specific assignment or type of activity was most meaning/helpful to you?
  5. What did you enjoy the most about this class?

le 28 octobre

Complete the 10 clock faces with times drawn in and write out a full sentence for each clock. Use you textbook for the correct spelling and expressions.

le 24 octobre

No homework (pas de devoirs!!!) L6-We will be going out next week, so be sure to bring $10 to the next class. Bon weekend!F6-Bon weekend! 

le 27 septembre

In the textbook (the hard cover book) complete activities 4 and 6 on page 67. You may need to look back at some of the vocabulary to refresh your memory! This is due on Wednesday for F6 and L6.

le 22 septembre

L6- Finish all of the work in the Grand Cahier that we began in the class today. Read the story and answer the questions, as well as complete the calendar activities. You should have written down the page numbers during the class today. F6- Bring your work from last Friday.