Category: Seventh Grade French

le 8 mars

Your Unit Test is next Tuesday. Study pages 236 and 237 in the textbook very thoroughly.

Irregular and regular verbs will also be included. Know how to conjugate and use the following verbs in sentences:

ALLER, VENIR, AVOIR, ETRE, FAIRE, and regular -ER verbs in both the present and future proche tenses.

For tomorrow, complete p. 141 in the petit cahier.

Final uploaded skits are due by Friday (extensionof 2 days!) but no late projects will be accepted under any circumstance!!!

le 4 mars

1. Your skit should be done, edited and practiced by tomorrow, with filming to happen between tomorrow and Tuesday.

They need to be uploaded by Wednesday of next week so you can share them in Thursday’s class.

2. Correct p.141 in the petit cahier if it wasn’t done during class today (this affects only a few of you).

3. Text: complete pages 236 and 237.

le 3 mars

Come prepared to practice and set up a filming schedule for your project.

Bring you text and petit cahier with page 141 completed.

le 25 fevrier

Begin studying for a Cities Packet culture quiz. The main focus will be the map.

We will work on the final stages of the project during class tomorrow. You will get the rough draft back and make corrections during class.

le 23 fevrier

Typed and double-spaced Rough Drafts of your project are due on Thursday. This includes the following:

1. A copy of your present tense sentences;

2. Your future proche sentences;

3. Your 10 descriptive sentences about the landmarks.


Please talk to me if there is a concern about the present tense sentences.

le 22 fevrier

For the video project:

1. You need to have completed the first 10 (minimum) sentences about the directions to your location in the Present Tense;

2. By the beginning of class tomorrow you need to come with the sentences re-written in the Future Proche;

3. By the end of tomorrow’s class, you will also need to have completed 10 sentences about 5 landmarks along the way (2 for each place, including the name and at least one adjective as well as where this site is located).

Plan your homework tonight accordingly so that you will have enough time in class to complete everything, and be sure that both partners are doing some of the work.

le 18 fevrier


Complete A and B on the cultural packet.

Also, please talk to your parents about the trip. I will be sending an email by tomorrow, but if your family has any questions, have them email me at:

le 4 fevrier

Start figuring out your idea for the video project that was discussed today in class. I will put up more details by Saturday.

Email me your proposal for a partner as well as two ideas for the place that you will talking about.

le 2 fevrier

For Thursday, complete pp. 134-136 in the petit cahier.

I am still working on the voicethread and there will be another speaking activity coming up soon!