Category: Seventh Grade French

le 21 septembre

Both classes:

Complete page 107, act. 7 in the textbook. Write out complete sentences.

Finish any other work that was not handed in today.

le 15 septembre

Both sections:

Make corrections on your adjective sentences. Pay attention to agreement between the nouns and the endings of the adjectives that you are using. Masculine, feminine, singular and plural rules apply.

Write out a sentence using each of your verbs from your list that reflects the actions in your picture.

le 14 septembre

Both classes: 

Complete your list of 5 verbs, 5 adjectives describing the scene, and 5 adjectives describing you in the scene. This was classwork today.

The assignment for tomorrow is to write out sentences using the above adjectives.

You will have a total of 10 sentences. There will be 5 sentences describing the scene (ex: La plage est belle.)

and 5 sentences describing you (your feelings and your appearance: Je suis content(e)./Je suis sportif(ve).)

You will work on the verb sentences in class tomorrow.

le 7 juin

Demain c’est le dernier jour de francais pour cette annee!

Please bring a French dish or pastry and we will watch a French video.

Hopefully we will also see Odelia’s and Lola’s project, as well as any remaining clothing presentations.

Don’t forget that you must come to IWP to finish your test. If you do not show up, there will be no more time!!!

le 1 juin

Bring in a few items of clothing that you feel comfortable sharing and letting yuor classmates try on. They can make up an outfit or be separate pieces. A big hat, sunglasses, shoes, a skirt, jacket, etc.will be good. Funny, extra big, colorful are also good qualities!

You need to have at least 4 pieces in your bag that you will write about for Thursday. Include the following in your description:

1. The names of the items;

2. The size (big, small, average, etc.);

3. The style (in style, modern, out of style, fancy, etc.);

4. The colors;

5. Your opinion of the pieces.

This should be ready to share out loud and you should have at least 10 sentences. Put your name on the clothing either on the inside tag or on a piece of masking tape or on a piece of taped on paper.

le 27 mai

Pick out a recipe and bring it to class in both French and English that you are interested in learning about. We will be doing an activity about this next week.

Bon Weekend!

le 24 mai

Your homework is to study! You will have work to do in the petit cahier tomorrow. I have Jury Duty again.

le 22 mai

Reflection questions due Monday. Email to me at

Do not send as an attachment. My computer cannot open it. Type it in the body of the email.

1. What are two strengths that you have in this class? (example: pronunciation, keeping up with the assignments, etc.)

2. What is an area in which you see improvement?

3. What is an area that still needs improvement?

4. What is a goal for you that you would like to accomplish in the future in French?

5. What did you enjoy the most in this class?

le 20 mai

A study guide needs to be physically underway by tomorrow’s class. That could include a typed sheet, as some of you have done in the past, or notecards. The pages to study were on the blog two days ago.
