Category: Seventh Grade French

le 24 fevrier

1. Both classes: In the petit cahier, complete pages 152-154; use your textbook for vocabulary. This is due tomorrow.

2. Your project presentations are going to start tomorrow.

If you are bringing food from your city/region for extra credit, you need to email me today and let me know what you are making. You will present either tomorrow, without food, or Tuesday with your specialty. It must be “home-made”.

le 15 fevrier

Answer these questions in complete sentences by the end of the class on Friday.You will be expected to use your class time wisely or work on it at home.

This is what you will use for your Project Presentation. It is worth 50% of your grade.

The visual component is due with the final sentences next Thursday, February 24.

Do NOT translate on the computer. I WILL KNOW!!! And you will have to redo your work.

1. Où se trouve la ville? -(au nord, au sud, a l’est, a l’ouest)

2. Quelle est la région de la ville ?/Quel est le département ?

3. Comment est la géographie de la région ?/What is the geography of your region ?

4. Quelle est la population?

5. Comment est le climat?

6. Quelles sont 5 dates importantes dans l’histoire?

7. Décris un monument important ?

8. Quelle est la spécialité de la ville ?

9. Quelle est une fête de la ville ?

10. Qu’est-ce que tu aimes de cette ville ?

le 10 fevrier

Both classes:

For your research for tomorrow, you need to also have the restaurants (3) with names, addresses and prices, hotels (3), with the same information as above, and flight information.

Check the blog from February 8 for the other information that you need. You will have some time in class to finalize your research, but it all needs to be done by the end of the class.

le 8 fevrier

Both classes:

Your research should already include the following from the class today:

-a museum

-a park

-an important monument

-a cathedral

-a castle/an important person’s home

This information should include location, historical facts, and times that the places are opened for tourists.

Homework for tomorrow: Finish the above research if it is not done.

Find the following:

1. Festivals- 2-3

2. Food specialties- up to 5.

This is due tomorrow.

le 4 fevrier

Both 7th grades: due next class


-main events in the past

– when it was founded and by whom

– wars and important people


– Region city is in/ department (above is a great website)

– population

– mountains/rivers

– climate average temperature/seasons

le 3 fevrier

Both groups:

Study for another quiz on ALLER, ETRE, AVOIR, FAIRE.

Also you can do some research on your city if you have some extra time.


Pick 2 cities that interest you to do the cultural project pamphlet. State why you want those cities.

The cities that have been chosen already are:

Orleans, Lyon, Strasbourg, Marseille, Toulouse, Cannes, Aix-en-Provence, Nice, Paris (two people are working on it),

and a few proposals are coming in.

le 26 janvier

Both sections:

In the petit cahier complete the following pages:

127, 128, 147, 148.

Study the -IR verbs and vendre and be ready for a quiz anytime!

le 24 janvier

Be ready for a quiz again:

Have the -IR verb endings memorized. Look up the various examples in the textbook.

Be sure that you have the work completed from the class on Friday. I will be checking it.

le 10 janvier

For tomorrow, mardi, bring your 10 descriptions of the celebrity (not a singer!) as well as a picture.

1. Include 10 different adjectives that refer to personality (5) AND appearance (5). We will turn this into a paragraph, but for now you can have simple sentences.

2. Quiz: you should have been studying p. 105 in the petit cahier!