Category: Seventh Grade French

le 30 avril

In the Grand Cahier, complete p. 253, B and C; p. 257, G and H; p. 259, I. This is for both sections (M7 and V7) and it is due on Monday of next week. 

le 28 avril

M7- Make corrections on your paragraphs in the future proche. Please type your final draft. 

le 27 avril

Re-write you paragraph with corrections OR do the first draft if you did not have it today (this will count as a homework slip!) In the textbook, complete activities 3 and 6 on pages 208 and 209.

le 24 avril

Using the verb FAIRE and the colloquial expressions that are associated with it (faire une promenade, faire la cuisine, faire attention, faire un match, faire les devoirs) and the verbs ETRE and ALLER, write me a letter telling me what you are planning to do this summer. It does not have to be totally true; you are projecting into the future about what you are hoping to do. You will need to use additional verbs as well. Remember: the construction for the future tense is “present of ALLER + the infinitive of the main action verb”. *Do not use ETRE + another verb. Etre is used with places, adjectives and professions only in the present and future tenses. 

le 20 avril

Complete Exercise M on pages 177  in the Grand Cahier (French is Fun Workbook) and be ready to share the translations on p. 177 that you worked on in class.

le 15 avril

M7: Study for a quiz on the verbs ETRE, FAIRE, ALLER, AVOIR and two -ER verbs (aimer and another verb of your choice.) Be able to conjugate and write sentences using the verbs correctly.V7: Make your corrections on the compositions that you were given back yesterday.  

le 7 avril

Answer all of the questions in writing that you wrote out on page 21 in the text (this was yesterday’s homework.) You will go over this aloud next time and turn it in.

le 6 avril

In the new textbook, complete the questions indicated on page 21 for all of the situations. This is a written assignment even though it says PARLER. We will do a speaking activity using this homework tomorrow.

le 3 avril

M7: Workbook pages R2 and R3 should be completed in the new workbook for next time on Monday.  V7: Make corrections on your letters for next time and study for a verb quiz. ALLER< AVOIR< ETRE<FAIRE<AIMER<DANSER are the verbs that you should study. 

le 31 mars

In the textbook on p. 190, re-read the letter to Brigitte and follow the guidelines on p. 191 to write a response to her. Include all of the information. The letter should follow similar sentence structures that are in Brigitte’s letter. If you had to make corrections on today’s homework, this must be turned in tomorrow during IWP in order for it be counted on time.