Category: Seventh Grade French

le 2 octobre

M7 and E7:

Your test is next Thursday! Study the answers to the oral questions that we did in class this week. Also, the study guide that we did on pp. 114 and 115 should be reviewed thoroughly. 

Do  not wait until the day before to begin preparing! Start now and focus for 10-15 minutes each day and you will succeed!


M7: It’s been fun. We will get together for certain activities this year…

le 1 octobre

Bienvenu a la classe de “septieme”. In adition to the homework posts, there will be extra credit opportunities and other information here. 

Check the blog daily, but be sure to WRITE DOWN your homework everyday during the class. If you don’t you will miss details! If the blog is down for some reason, you will still be responsible for the homework assignments. Check with a classmate if you are absent or email me at:

le 2 juin

Test tomorrow for everyone who has French!  Oral presentations of recipes for M7 due tomorrow (redos also!) and written projects for V7 due tomorrow.

le 1 juin

V7: Your cultural packet is due no later than tomorrow, and it should be done by now! The workbook packet is also due tomorrow: finish the incomplete parts for homework. You have short test on Thursday on verb conjugation in the present and future tenses, the constructions with “aller a” and “venir de”, places, and listening comprehension. Food projects are on-going. Talk to me about when you will present. The written piece of the project is due Thursday. M7: Same as V7 except for the workbook packet and the Test is on Wednesday.

le 29 mai

You will have your project presentations next week. The exact day will be determined on Monday. It will probably be on Thursday. If you already presented, let me know and I will talk to David to see how you did. I will need the written parts of your project by Thursday, including a French part that I will give you a few days in advance.V7: Your packet should be completed by Monday.M7: Have the workbook pages that you began on Friday (pp. 134-136) completed by Monday. 

le 20 mai

Begin to study for the last test of the year! Verbs included will be: ALLER, AVOIR, ETRE, FAIRE, and the new one on the list, VENIR. Review the various ways to use “a” and “de” with the vocabulary for places. You will be presenting your food projects as well as the dish itself next Tuesday and Wednesday.

le 14 mai

For Monday, you need to have the following ready when you walk into the classroom! 1. The name of your food dish in French; 2. The recipe of your dish in French in a hard copy form with the verbs underlined and the cognates circled; 3. The history and any story related to this recipe also in a hard copy form. Remember: Verbs can either have the infinitive ending or a conjugated ending in a recipe. Also, a cognate is a word that looks and sounds similar between two languages and has the same meaning. 

le 11 mai

Write out the negated forms of the sentences that we worked on in class last Friday as well as today. If there is already a negated form of a sentence, write the affirmative structure for the same sentence. Be sure to use the correct present or future proche tense structure, depending on the answer that you have. Continue to study for the quiz on the future proche.

le 6 mai

Study for a quiz for next week: ALLER in the present tense with places and ALLER in the future proche. Other than that, pas de devoirs (no homework) for tomorrow. Go to the helpful links on my blog page and find practice quizzes and games.

le 4 mai

V7: Be ready for a quiz on the FUTURE PROCHE. Study the verb etre and the difference between a sentence in the present tense plus a place and the future proche. M7: This quiz will be for you in a few days. For tomorrow, do activity D in the Grand Cahier in the etre chapter that we were working on in class.