Category: Seventh Grade French

le 3 decembre

If you did not complete the in-class work today, you need to do it for homework for tomorrow’s class.

In the petit cahier: pp. 111 and 112.

Be thinking about how you will study for a quiz on adjectives. We will begin to organize the lists and the forms next week.

le 1 decembre

In the petit cahier complete pages 106 and 109.

Be sure to include the total number of adjectives required: 5 per person for a total of 15.

le 23 novembre

Study colors for a very short quiz! They are on p. 174 in the textbook.

Finish writing out sentences on p. 107 in the petit cahier (workbook) from today’s activities if you didn’t finish them in class.

le 18 novembre

Check the last homework assignment as well as the class work that you did when I was away. Bring all of that fully completed to class tomorrow. We will go over it and make corrections. Have all of your books with you please.

le 11 novembre

For tomorrow, complete the activity that was assigned in class yesterday. In the petit cahier (workbook), finish pages 88 and 100. Use your textbook if you need it for the spelling and grammar. Those of you who have not turned in a completed Halloween story, tomorrow is the last day that I will accept it.

le 4 novembre

See yesterday’s blog!

Please make sure that your reflections are in your Advisory Folders for your Family Conference.

le 3 novembre

Type out your rough draft of the “Halloween” story with corrections. Next time we will add an introduction and a conclusion.

Be sure to add in the vocabulary that you copied down and be ready to add pictures; you can bring in pictures from magazines or downloads or draw them, but they need to be completely added to the story by Thursday.

le 2 novembre

Continue writing your composition that we started during class today. You must include:

I. Adjectives:

1. 5 adjectives to describe you/your costume;

2.  2 adjectives to describe the setting;

3. 3 adjectives to describe someone else.


II. Verbs in the present tense: (answer the following questions.)

1. Qu’est-ce que tu fais?

2. Ou est-ce que tu vas?

3. Comment es-tu?

We will continue to add to this tomorrow. Come with full sentences in a paragraph form.