Category: Fifth Grade French

le 12 avril

1. Finish pages 31, 32 and 35 in the petit cahier (workbook).

2. Write a reflection in response to the following questions:

a. What is one strength for you in French clasas?

b. What is an area that you find challenging?

c. What is a way in which you can get help to improve in this area? What can you do?

d. What is a goal that you would like to accomplish in this class by the end of the year?

e. What activity/activities do you find most enjoyable?

le 7 avril

1. Finish any incomplete work from Monday’s in-class assignment.

2. Make sure that you sign up for something to bring or the French breakfast on Thursday.

    See me if you don’t know what to bring!

le 17 mars

We will wait to have our French breakfast the first Thursday that we are back after Spring Break. Tomorrow is too busy for all of you to have to think about bringing in food! It will be better if we are not rushing. Have fun tmorrow in the tomb!

le 8 mars

1. We will finish our presentations of the Family Tree project on Thursday.

If you did not have one ready, you must share on Thursday. Some points will be taken off for lateness.

2. In the textbook, do the following:

* Complete activities 2 and 3 on p. 38. Write out the exercises.

* Read pages 44 and 45. Pay attention to new vocabulary.

*Write out activity 2 on p. 46.

We will plan our French breakfast for next Thursday, March 18.

le 3 mars

Bring ALL of the necessary materials needed for your project. Sentences corrected, saved work and pictures, a poster board if that is what you are doing. We will be completing the Family Tree project in class.

le 1 mars

1. Come to IWP tomorrow prepared with the typed final version of your Family Tree sentences if you did not already turn that in

     today. We will finish up the entire project by the end of the week.


2. For Thursday, do pages 48 and 49 in the petit cahier.

le 25 fevrier

All of your corrections from the rough draft need to be typed up by the beginning of Monday’s class.

You need to have all of your pictures with you so that you can start putting the project together.

le 22 fevrier

1. Come to class with pages 19 and 20 in the workbook (petit cahier) completed.

2. By Thursday, you must have ALL of the required work for the Family Tree Project if you did not hand it all in today.

     That includes the 4 sentences for each family member and the two pets. See previous blogs for more details if you are not          

     sure about what you need.

le 12 fevrier

Make sure that you have all of the family members by next Thursday at the beginning of class so that you can start to write your sentences.

Have a great break.

le 25 janvier

Study the oral question guide that we made during the class today. 

Practice writing out the answers and the questions correctly.

You will have the Oral Part of the test on Thursday.

See me during IWP if you want to practice or have questions.