Category: Fifth Grade French

le 22 mai

Reflection questions due Monday. Email to me at

Do not send as an attachment. My computer cannot open it. Type it in the body of the email.

1. What are two strengths that you have in this class? (example: pronunciation, keeping up with the assignments, etc.)

2. What is an area in which you see improvement?

3. What is an area that still needs improvement?

4. What is a goal for you that you would like to accomplish in the future in French?

5. What did you enjoy the most in this class?

le 20 mail

I will put up the reflection questions tomorrow. They will be due on Monday emailed to me.

In the petit cahier, complete pages 43 and 44.

le 17 mai

1. In the textbook, complete p. 59, act. 3 and 4.

2. In the Petit Cahier, complete pages 53 and 54.

le 13 mai

For Monday:

1. In the textbook, read p. 64 and be ready for questions about the dialog.

2. Complete p. 67, act.6 in writing, also in the textbook.

3. I need corrected skits from Amalia, Lucy, Guthrie and Kerabania.

le 11 mai

See yesterday’s blog! The boys’ groups will see me tomorrow in IWP. I saw the girls today!

le 10 mai

Your skits will be presented on Thursday.

Each group will have 10 minutes to set up, present, and clean up. So you will have to be organized!

Each group must see me during IWP for 10 minutes to practice reading and to show me your props/your plan.

Tuesday: Amalia’s group and Ayden’s group

Wednesday: Lachlan’s group and Ray’s group

You can get extra credit if you memorize the script!

le 7 mai

Final draft #1 of the skit due on Monday. You will be able to use the class time to revise one last time for the presentation on Thursday.

You also need to use the time to plan out your props and to practice the pronunciation with me. I will be listening to each group.

Be ready!

le 3 mai

Your complete rough draft of your dialog is due at the beginning of the class on Thursday.

Come to see me during IWP if you need help or have any questions.

Some of you are required to come during IWP tomorrow with your 10 sentences. You should know who you are!

le 19 avril

Be ready for a quiz on the weather expressions on Thursday.

You can refer to page 65 in the textbook as well as your notes. Spelling and meaning will count!

Bring you petit cahier (workbook) to class on Thursday. You will working in it during the period.

Email your group proposals so I can set up the skit configurations.

le 16 avril

In the textbook, read pages 52 and 53 very carefully. You will need to use this new vocabulary in your restaurant skit.

Write out activities 1 and 2 on p. 54. Read the directions and follow the examples.