Category: Fifth Grade French

le 21 octobre

Here are the directions for using the Take-Home Tutor CD. You all should have a copy by the end of the day on Friday.

You must come to the World Language Room to check one out.

1. Put the CD into your computer.

2. Wait for the Blue icon to appear and click on it.

3. A box with the word Vise and Install will appear along with a few other options. Click on this one.

4. A box with an agreement should appear; click on the Accept button.

5. Another box with Install will appear; click on that.

6. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART!  A new box with two options will appear: Full installation or Minimal installation. Make sure that the circle next to minimal installation is darkened. You DO NOT want to hit the full installation button.

7. The actual program should appear after a less than a minute of installation takes place.

8. Sign in with your name and click on level A.

9. Go to Unit I and explore both lecon 1 and lecon 2. Spend at least 40 minutes between now and Monday (you can do more) and do as much as you can in that time.

10. Here is the homework part that you hand in to me on Monday: At the end of each session (time spent in one sitting) go to Session Report at the bottom of the screen, click, then print out the report that appears. If you exit first the data will be lost and you won’t have anything to turn in. You should have at least 2 of these by Monday.

See me with any questions. Enjoy!

le 18 octobre

For Thursday:

Complete pages 11 and 12 in the petit cahier (little workbook).

Be sure to refer to your textbook for the correct spelling and usage of the vocabulary. The Units and lessons correspond to each other. If you are doing work in the petit cahier for Unit 1, lesson 2, there will be information about the topics in Unit 1, lesson 2 in the textbook as well.

We will be using the workbooks to do listening activities on Thursday.

le 4 octobre

1. In the new Cognate Packet, complete exercise A on p. 339 and exercise B on p. 340.

The vocabulary is given to you at the top of page 339. Pay attention to the spelling!

2. Finish any other owed work that you did not have during the class today.

le 30 septembre

For next class on Monday, finish the following work:

1. In the textbook, finish page 20, activity 2, which was due today.

2. In the textbook, complete page 21, activity 3. Follow the example in red.

3. In the workbook (petit cahier) complete ALL of page 7 and the math section at the top of page 8.

REFER to your TEXTBOOK for the correct spelling and vocabulary needed for the workbook exercises.

le 27 septembre

In the textbook (hard covered book), read the example given on page 20, activity 2. Follow this model and complete all of the required information about each person on the map. Pay attention to the masculine and feminine forms of the nationalities.

If you have any questions about this, see me at IWP tomorrow. This is due on Thursday.

le 23 septembre

1. Read page 15 in the textbook to check the spelling of the new vocabulary.

2. Write out activity 5 on page 17 in the textbook. Read the directions carefully.

3. Finish page 4 in the workbook (petit cahier).

le 9 juin

Some of you have not taken the Oral Test yet. You MUST see me after school tomorrow (Thursday) to take it.

Also, turn in your textbooks and workbooks into the faculty room by Friday afternoon. I will keep them until next year.

Make sure that your reflection has been sent to

le 1 juin


le 27 mai

Your test is next Thursday. Please study the pages that were given to you in class today. Practice out loud and keep a chart of your sessions for extra credit. 

Keep track of the date, the time, who helped you with practicing.