Category: Fifth Grade French

le 3 fevrier

1. Complete the activities in the textbook:

p. 46, act. 1

p. 47, act. 3

2. Bring your food on Monday. Let me know if you have any problems getting this or if you want to change the item, but I        need to know by Friday please.


Camilo-Brioche Sucree

Xavier- Crepes

Daria- Baguettes

Rhys-Pains aux chocolat (chocolate croissants)

Lachlan- Brie

Sophia- Pates au choux (cream puffs)

Otto- Same as Sophia

Vincent- Pains au chocolat, cups & napkins

Chloe- Pains au chocolat, plates

le 24 janvier

Part 2 if the test is on Thursday, so you need to keep studying or reviewing. See me with any questions.

le 10 janvier

Your Unit test is a week from Thursday!

For this Thursday, finish all of the flashcards using the vocabulary pages that we wrote down last week.

See me with any questions that you have during IWP tomorrow or Wednesday.

le 6 decembre

You should be working on completing the rough draft of your Family Tree that you were revising during the class today.

Bring a typed, double-spaced version to class on Thursday, as well as your pictures and a poster board.

le 2 decembre

Write out all of the sentences about your Family Tree members, except about you and your pets. This is due on Monday.

Follow the structure that we practiced today and use your notes as examples too.

Bring in your pictures on Thursday. No exceptions! We will begin putting the project together at that time.

If you are planning on presenting this in a power-point format, please let me know on Monday.

le 15 novembre

1. Quiz on numbers from 50-100 on Thursday. Spelling and meaning count.

2. Read the story in the packet, circle the cognates (you should know what those are!) and underline vocabulary the you do not know. Look up the words and write the definitions.

le 8 novembre

Complete pages 16 and 19 in the petit cahier. Use your textbook for the vocabulary.

le 3 novembre

Study the numbers 50-100. The quiz is tomorrow (Thursday).

You will not need to study ALL of the numbers because you already know 1-40, right?

For example, 55 is including the number 5, so you really need to study fifty (cinquante) and be able to put them together.

The same is for 88, for example. You know 8 (huit) so you need to put it with eighty (do you know that one yet?)

I will only ask a few from each category (fifties, sixties, etc. up to 100)

Spelling does count!

le 1 novembre

1. If you did not have pictures for your Halloween sentences, or if you need to finish it, come to IWP tomorrow with your completed assignment. You can work on it then as well, but it has to be turned in by the end of the period.

2. In the petit cahier (workbook), do all of pages 25-28 for Thursday.

3. Study the numbers from 50-100 for Bingo and a short Quiz. Spelling will count!

le 25 octobre

1. For Thursday, complete page 15 in the petit cahier (workbook). Use you textbook to complete this page.

2. Study the vocabulary section on page 27 in the the textbook. Be ready for a quiz on Thursday. Meaning and spelling will count. (You will be quizzed on the bottom part of the yellow box.)