le 4 fevrier
M8 and S8:
Bring your hard cover books to class and be ready to work in pairs to complete some written work.
I will discuss the vocabulary part of the test with you next week once I have looked at everyone’s sentences.
M8 and S8:
Bring your hard cover books to class and be ready to work in pairs to complete some written work.
I will discuss the vocabulary part of the test with you next week once I have looked at everyone’s sentences.
M8 and S8:
Your Un Ete Test is Thursday.
Study the vocabulary sheet(s) that were generated by your sentences. They were left in your homerooms today if you did not get one from me personally.
Write in any missing accents and make sure that you underline the vocabulary words in each sentence.
1. Study main ideas and details for Un Ete test on next Thursday.
2. Finish p.1 on Passe Compose packet (S8); Finish through H (M8)
3. Try again to set up voicethread!
M8 and S8:
Please check out the blog from the 26th if you have not already done so and set up a voicethread account. Follow the directions or ask a classmate that has done it.
Complete p. 27 in the petit cahier.
Bring ALL owed work: Un Ete and journals.
Vous avez beaucoup a faire!
1. Set up your voicethread account with an icon and record 3 sentences in the passe compose on my site. GO to yesterday’s blog and click on the link. Try a few times if it has problems like we had in class today!
2. Finish page 1 in the Passe Compose packet.
3. Bring all of the main ideas and details from Un Ete, chapters 6-10.
M8 and S8:
1. Check out the link above and see if you can figure out how to set up your own account. Answer the question in the passe compose! You can help out in the class tomorrow. GO TO VOICETHREAD.COM
2. Revise your compositions.
3. Finish main ideas and the details for next class.
Work on Un Ete main ideas (8-10) and be ready to discuss all of the details.
Finish 2 details per chapter in Un Ete (6-10). I may give you your rough drafts tomorrow to work on for Wednesday.
Make sure that you understand the pronoun “en” before you start the workbook activities.
Complete page 26 in the petit cahier. Those of you who made copies, bring them to class next time.
Complete p. 26 in the petit cahier. Refer to your text if you need a reminder about the usage of “en”.
Both classes: Bring corrected journal entries to class tomorrow. Be prepared to discuss them en francais!