Category: Eighth Grade French

le 9 decembre

Both classes:

Examen (Test) next Tuesday on the verb packet.

Study specifically all of page 31, A on page 39 and all of page 43.

le 6 decembre

Completez exercises A, B et E dans le “paquet” pour demain…

Apportez Un Ete aussi.

le 2 decembre

Both classes:

You should have read Un Ete through chapter 9, with vocabulaire and exercises completed for tomorrow.

We have gone over  chapter 8 already. Chapter 9 includes A, B and C for CPS8 and A, B, C and D for JMMM8.

Don’t forget that we will have a SING-ALONG tomorrow, with a discussion about the slang expressions and the vocabulary in the songs.

le 30 novembre


Dans “Un Ete pas Comme Les Autres”, read chapter 9 , underline the vocabulary, and write out the definitions.


Make sure that you have the vocabulary from chapter 8, and complete A,B and D.

le 19 novembre


All of your research, the writing piece, and the visual are due by the end of the class on Monday.

I will look over your written section and you can make corrections at the beginning of the class.

You can use class time to finish your poster or collage. but it must be turned in with everything else at the end of the class.

The final presentation will take place as soon as we return from the break.  You need to have your lyrics printed out for

everyone as well as a recording of your main song.


Same as above except that you have until the end of the class on Tuesday to give me everything.

However, I will need your rough drafts during the class on Monday.

le 15 novembre

Both classes:

All of your research for the Projet de Musique should be done by Wednesday.

In addition to the handout and the original blog information, here are some very specific guidelines for the written aspect of the presentation.

You need to include (in French that is at YOUR level):

1. History of the artist and information about the francophone country that is his/her home and where s/he records and performs; 5-10 sentences

2. Genre of music: detailed information; 5-10 sentences;

3. Info about the music that the artist performs (specific explanation about style, type of lyrics, performances); 10 sentences

4. Summary of the song that is your main focus; 7-10 sentences

5. Explain your opinion of this artist and the genre/songs and why; 5-10 sentences.

In order to receive a 4 on this project, you must fulfill the maximum requirement of sentences above in good French, as well as clear oral and visual presentations. See handout for more details.

FINAL PROJECT is due Monday, November 22

le 10 novembre


Come to class on Friday with the following regarding your mini-project:

En francais:

1. The name of the artist

2. His/her origin

3. Where s/he lives

4. Genre of music

5. Where/how s/he performs

6. Information about the country of origin

7. 3-5 titles of songs with examples of lyrics


You will begin the project on Friday. Just begin thinking about a genre of French music that you would like to explore.

This can come from any French-speaking country. We will talk about this in more depth on Friday.

le 8 novembre


Read page 252 in the textbook and be ready to discuss in class tomorrow.


Read pages 246-249 in the textbook. Finish the 3 main ideas for the overall theme and a detail for each place.

Next, read page 244 and be ready to discuss tomorrow.

le 3 novembre

Both classes:

Review for the details part of the Un Ete Test. You should have all of the necessary materials. This will be on Monday of next week.


Complete pages 177-179 in the petit cahier for tomorrow.

le 1 novembre

Both classes:

Complete activities 1 and 2 on page 294 in the textbook.

For activity 2, pay attention to the command form using the -ons ending. Also, be careful with the structure using “J’ai envie de” + the infinitive of the action. This is also true with the negative structure , “je n’ai pas envie de…”.

You only need to answer negatively for 3 of the 6 dialogs. Write the out the entire format as it is shown in the example.

However, for 3 others, you can agree and then not put the second option in your responses.

JMMM8: Bring money to go out tomorrow.