Category: Eighth Grade French

le 4 avril


Complete A and B in chapter 16 , Un Ete. Vocabulary as usual! Due tomorrow.

Julia and Cara: Prepare a summary of the chapter in English (in writing) to present tomorrow.


Complete B and transfer the information that we went over in class today to a sheet of paper.

Also, vocabulary as usual. This should be done by Wednesday.


Have your journal information organized and ready to work on by Wednesday. There will be classwork for JMM8 and homework for everyone for Thursday regarding this project.

le 14 mars

Get ready for our TRIP!!!

Also, type up your expressions for the phrase guide by the end of the day on Wednesday. If you gave me your lists, find me at IWP tomorrow to pick it up if you are in CPS8. I want to be able to give you all a copy on Thursday morning…

If you need to make up a test (Un Ete) see me at IWP tomorrow (Harmon and Katya). If there is anyone else with questions, see me too.

le 7 mars

Both classes:

Your Un Ete Test on chapters 11-15 will be this Friday. You are responsible for the Vrai/Faux exercise A information as well as the B activities AND the following:

C in chapitre 11

C in chapitre 12

H in chapitre 13

C and D in chapitre 14

E and F in chapitre 15

le 10 fevrier

All final drafts of the future proche paragraph were due either today or tomorrow (unless you were out sick and we spoke about the deadline).

Study the passe compose verbs with ETRE and be ready for a quiz! Structure is the most important focus.

We will work on meaning and irregular past participles for the quiz after this one.

le 8 fevrier

Both classes:

Finish C in the packet on page 68.

Finish your rough draft corrections if you got it back. Due tomorrow if you got it yesterday; due Thursday if you got it today.

le 7 fevrier

Both classes:

Complete A and B in the Passe Compose packet, pages 67 and 68.

If you got your rough draft back, the final is due Wednesday. I am working on the others! When you get it back you will have 2  days to work on it.

le 25 janvier

Both Classes:

Do not forget to come to the meeting on Thursday morning at 8 AM. Bring your passport pictures (2 copies please) and your grown-ups!

Answer these questions by Friday in full sentences in French:

1. Où est-ce que tu vas aller pour les vacances de Printemps? (nommez toutes les villes)

2. Avec qui vas-tu voyager?

3. Comment vas-tu voyager?

4. Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire là-bas? (5 minumum)

5. Qu’est-ce que tu veux manger en France?

6. Qu’est-ce que tu vas acheter?

7. Où est-ce que tu vas rester? (les hôtels)

8. Quelle activité vas-tu préférer?

9. Qu’est-ce que tu veux apprendre pendant le voyage?

10. Avec qui vas-tu passer le temps pendant les journées?

Some of these questions must be searched on

You must also do pg. 186 in the petit cahier.

le 24 janvier

For tomorrow:

Look up the information on the site.

GO to and put in the code Hahn-1991. Look at the itinerary carefully. You will then write down in French

1. 3-5 places that you are looking to visiting (in the futur proche). Do not pick all places in Paris!

2. 3 French specialties that you will enjoy trying.

3. Souvenirs that you are hoping to buy during the trip.

These do not have to be in sentences yet, but the French vocabulary has to be correct, with the proper

“un, une, des” etc.

The verbs do need to be in the future, so find the correct verb forms as well. We will begin the project with this information tomorrow.

le 10 janvier


Finish the classwork in the petit cahier. You should complete pages 191, 192, 193, and 194.

Also, read Un Ete, chapter 11 and write out the vocabulaire.

Bring money so we can go out!!!


Finish page 194 in the petit cahier.