Category: Eighth Grade French

le 12 janvier

Organize your Un Ete chapters 6-10 to be ready to hand in on Thursday.

New Journal Entry Topic: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire quand il fait froid?

Use the following questions as guidelines. You can write about additional ideas as well. You should write at least 10 sentences.

1. Ou restes-tu quand il fait froid dehors (outside)?

2. Quelle est ton activite preferee?

3. Qu’est-ce que tu preferes manger pendant cette saison?

4. Avec qui est-ce que tu aimes passer le temps?

5. Est-ce que tu as des traditions quand il fait froid ou il neige?

le 15 decembre


Revise your journal entries our next class.

Also, be sure to complete activities 5 and 6 on page 53 in the textbook.

Catherine: Your journal entry is on my desk. Please pick it up at IWP tomorrow so that you can finish it.


Bring your first draft of your journal entry to class tomorrow. We will go over Un Ete, chapter 8, as well.

le 9 decembre

S8 and M8:

In the Petit Cahier for tomorrow complete the following:

activity 15, p.19

activity 24, p.23

ALL of p. 24

le 7 decembre


Un Ete: Bring to the class to work on the remaining exercises tomorrow.

In the petit cahier, finish p. 17, activities 9 and 11.



Un Ete: Finish through F in chapter 7.

In the petit cahier, finish the same activities as S8.

le 3 decembre

S8 and M8:

Journal entry rough draft due tomorrow.

On p. 146 in the petit cahier, or on a separate piece of paper, write out your response to the following:

What is your “dream house” like in your imagination? 

Describe ta chambre, le salon, la cuisine, la salle a manger, la salle de bain, et l’exterieur (the outside parts of the house): le jardin, le balcon, les portes, etc. You can add additional rooms and vocabulary. Look in the vocabulary section of chapter 2 in the textbook.

Say what specifically you like about the house, using a variety of adjectives (BAGS rule and regular adjectives.)

For example: J’adore  ma grande chambre parce que c’est violette et confortable. 

                          Le salon bleu est interessant et c’est une belle salle.

Use at least 3 adjectives to describe each room.

le 2 decembre

M8: Complete p. 21 in the workbook.


S8: Bring p.21 in the workbook from yesterday’s homework. Also, bring Un Ete, chapitre 6, so that we can go over it.

le 1 decembre

S8 and M8:

In the petit cahier, complete page 21. You will need the textbook for this assignment.

le 23 novembre

M8 and S8:

Finish A-D in chapitre 6, Un Ete.

Make sure that you have the vocabulary written out in the usual structure, defined, and everything labeled properly.

le 19 novembre

Pour vendredi, S8 et M8:

Rough draft of your next journal entry is due. Answer the following questions with at least 3 sentences, for a total of 15 minimum .

Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire pour la Fete de “Thanksgiving” (Graces)?

1. Qui vas-tu voir?

2. Ou vas-tu etre?

3. Vas-tu regarder le defile?

4. Qu’est-ce que tu vas manger?

5. Quelle est ta nourriture preferee (pourquoi)?