le 23 mai

I.You need to be working on your Weather Report Projects.

You have your partners and your countries. For Thursday, you should have looked at yahoo.fr and searched weather reports for your area. Then compare that to information in English that you will find on weather.com or other sites with that type of information.

Here are some questions to answer (In English for now):

1. What type of a climate is in your country? (temperate, tropical, etc.)

2. What is the average amount of rain per year as well as per season?

3. What are the average temperatures during each month?

4. Are there unusual weather patterns or events? (hurricane season, tornados, earthquakes, etc.)

5. When is the best time to visit your country based on the weather?

II. ALSO, your Unit Test will be next week, on Thursday, June 2. Using the pages that I told you today, begin to make flashcards/a study guide.

III. Don’t forget to send me your reflection by Wednesday at: shahn@lrei.org

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