le 15 novembre

Both classes:

All of your research for the Projet de Musique should be done by Wednesday.

In addition to the handout and the original blog information, here are some very specific guidelines for the written aspect of the presentation.

You need to include (in French that is at YOUR level):

1. History of the artist and information about the francophone country that is his/her home and where s/he records and performs; 5-10 sentences

2. Genre of music: detailed information; 5-10 sentences;

3. Info about the music that the artist performs (specific explanation about style, type of lyrics, performances); 10 sentences

4. Summary of the song that is your main focus; 7-10 sentences

5. Explain your opinion of this artist and the genre/songs and why; 5-10 sentences.

In order to receive a 4 on this project, you must fulfill the maximum requirement of sentences above in good French, as well as clear oral and visual presentations. See handout for more details.

FINAL PROJECT is due Monday, November 22

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