le 21 octobre

Here are the directions for using the Take-Home Tutor CD. You all should have a copy by the end of the day on Friday.

You must come to the World Language Room to check one out.

1. Put the CD into your computer.

2. Wait for the Blue icon to appear and click on it.

3. A box with the word Vise and Install will appear along with a few other options. Click on this one.

4. A box with an agreement should appear; click on the Accept button.

5. Another box with Install will appear; click on that.

6. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART!  A new box with two options will appear: Full installation or Minimal installation. Make sure that the circle next to minimal installation is darkened. You DO NOT want to hit the full installation button.

7. The actual program should appear after a less than a minute of installation takes place.

8. Sign in with your name and click on level A.

9. Go to Unit I and explore both lecon 1 and lecon 2. Spend at least 40 minutes between now and Monday (you can do more) and do as much as you can in that time.

10. Here is the homework part that you hand in to me on Monday: At the end of each session (time spent in one sitting) go to Session Report at the bottom of the screen, click, then print out the report that appears. If you exit first the data will be lost and you won’t have anything to turn in. You should have at least 2 of these by Monday.

See me with any questions. Enjoy!

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