le 5 mars
Please be sure that I have your third Roman Numeral paragraph by tomorrow if you did not give it to me today. I must have it no later than 11 AM for it to be counted as on time. You can put it on my desk. I will try to have a labeled folder for you, but if you do not see it, make sure that your name is on your work and that I will easily see it on my desk. The conclusion can be given to me on Monday. You need to have two to three sentences that restate your topics and what you have concluded about these ideas, as well as two or three sentences about what you learned, how you feel about the this subject, and if you would visit the place, read the books of the author, etc. For example, “Jean-Paul Sartre was one of the most interesting French writers in the 20th century because of his fascinating life, his wide group of friends, and the topics that he wrote about. Paris was a center for literature, art and music in the 19th and 20th centuries, and Sartre played an important role in this era. I am looking forward to reading some of his books in translation because I learned about the literary movement of existentialism and the importance it had on all of modern French literature. I would also love to go to the famous cafes in Paris where Jean-Paul Sartre spent a lot of his time.”