le 29 mai

Please be sure that you have your skit fully written by Monday’s class, at which time you should be practicing and making props.
I will want to see your draft so that you can make corrections. EVERYONE in your group must have a copoy.

Your reflection for this class needs to be emailed to me by next Tuesday at: shahn@lrei.org

Think about all the work you’ve done in class this year. Please respond to each of the statements/questions below:

1. In what ways has your work improved this year? Describe the differences you see between the beginning of the year and now.

2. What areas still need work? How do you plan to work on them next year?

3. What ways do you learn best? Select 1 or 2 pieces of work that you did this year of which you are particularly proud.

4. What have you discovered about yourself as a learner this year?

5. What areas do you still need to work on improving?

6. Comment on the quality and organization of your work.

7. Comment on your class participation (listening, questioning, offering ideas, etc.).

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