Category: Uncategorized

Thursday, April 30

FIRST, YOU DID IT!! The Teach-In was a resounding success.  Congratulations! Excellent job and you should be very proud of all you did.:)

Due Friday:

  • Turn in handout you already completed on To Kill A Mockingbird, ch.20 & 21 (posted earlier in week if you need it).
  • To Kill A Mockingbird, chapters 22 & 23 (15 pages), be quiz-ready, and complete 5 questions on handout.
  • Post a sixth and final time to the blog: your thoughts on how today went, especially the workshop you led.  Include what you learned from the videos, and your committee work.  It should be a minimum of 5 sentences, more for those extra points as we get ready to grade your blog work (REQUIRED: you must have 6 total posts–5 about 5 visits and one reflection post! If you still have to complete a visit, do so by Thursday, May 7, FINAL DEADLINE.)

Due Monday:

  • To Kill A Mockingbird, chapters 24 & 25 (14 pages) and be quiz-ready.

Monday, April 27

Due Tuesday:

  1.  Read Chapters 20 and 21 in TKAM. Be Quiz Ready!
  2. Final script of workshop due tomorrow at 8AM. No Exceptions!
  3. Finalize your workshop! Get all materials!
  4. Get your GREEN t-shirt for Wednesday.

*** Also, be in communication with your set-up group and get the materials needed for this.*** Get / Borrow a GREEN T-Shirt for Wednesday. 


Due Wednesday:

  1. Finish Chapter 6 in FDR and complete the questions on the handout # 8-14. 

Thursday, April 23

Due Monday:

Good job on your demos today! Now you have some feedback to refer to when fine tuning your workshop. Take the comments seriously and continue preparing for the day.

  1. Read TKAM ch. 17 & 18 and complete handout.
  2. COMPLETE your WORSKSHOP GROUP PREP! Be prepared with the technology, facts, handouts, materials and whatever else you need for your workshop groups ON MONDAY.
  3. Keep working on your SET UP group job for the Teach-In. Gather materials this weekend to do so.
  4. GET YOUR GREEN T SHIRT to wear Wed!
  5.  Your 5th Sustainability Visit and post WERE due last Monday. Speak with me if you have not done them! (So far Kirra and Liam M are the only ones who have spoken with me…).

Due Tuesday:

  • FDR ch. 6, complete chapter and handout, the last 7 questions.  See Wednesday’s post for handout.

Wednesday, April 22

Due Thursday:

1. FDR chapter 6.  Read ONLY pages 87-97 and complete ONLY questions 1-7 on handout.

2. TOMORROW you will do a DRESS REHEARSAL of your workshop in front of an adult who will critique you and help you make it great. Bring in all the materials you will need for the workshop. If your materials are not all ready, bring them in whatever state they are in, as you will have time to work on them in school as well.

3. Continue work on your SET UP groups for the Teach In–it’s only 7 days away!!  GET YOUR GREEN T SHIRT FOR NEXT WEDNESDAY TOO!

4. Your 5th Sustainability Visit and post WERE due Monday. Speak with me if you have not done them! (So far Kirra and Liam M are the only ones who have spoken with me…).

Tuesday, April 21

 Due Wednesday:

1. Complete all parts of Poetry Packet “Show Don’t Tell” and complete three snapshot poems, like the models, that capture a person, using fresh images, avoid cliche’ and SHOW instead of TELL. One poem should be about a person we all know (but not anything you wouldn’t show him or her). TYPE UP.

2. To Kill a Mockingbird ch. 16 (11 pages).  Complete handout (5 questions) and be quiz-ready!

3. Continue work on your SET UP group and WORKSHOP groups for the Teach In–it’s only 8 days away!!

****Your 5th Sustainability Visit and post WERE due Monday. Speak with me if you have not done them! (So far Kirra and Liam M are the only ones who have spoken with me…).

Monday, April 20

Due Tuesday:

1. Read TKAM ch. 15 (11 pages) and complete handout (6 questions) and be quiz-ready!

2. COMPLETE AND REVISED WORKSHOP PROPOSAL.  Include a script for everything that will be said, all facts and statistics, and exactly how the activity will run.

3. You must come with a poem in your pocket for a HW check tomorrow! OR be ready to recite your memorized one.

4. Your 5th Sustainability Visit and post are due today (Monday). Speak with me if you have not done them!

Due Wednesday:

      Complete all parts of Poetry Packet “Show Don’t Tell” and complete three snapshot poems, like the models, that capture a person, using fresh images, avoid cliche’ and SHOW instead of TELL. One poem should be about a person we all know (but not anything you wouldn’t show him or her). TYPE UP.

      Thursday, April 16

      • Due Monday:
      1. TKAM–Read ch. 13 & 14 (17 pages).  Complete handout (which is on chapters 12, 13, & 14).
      2. Your 5th and final Sustainability Visit and Blog post!
      3. Get some rest! You are all seeming overtired…:)
      • **IF YOU WERE ABSENT Thursday afternoon: Please complete this OPEN BOOK QUIZ on TKAM chapters 11 & 12 and bring it with you to school on Monday. It says you can only have 30 min, but you can take 45 min since we did.  
      • Due Wednesday:

      Complete all parts of Poetry Packet “Show Don’t Tell” and complete three snapshot poems, like the models, that capture a person, using fresh images, avoid cliche’ and SHOW instead of TELL. One poem should be about a person we all know (but not anything you wouldn’t show him or her). TYPE UP.  

      Tuesday, April 14

      ALL  5 SUSTAINABILITY visits and BLOG POSTS should be completed by Monday, April 20th! Arrange visit 5 if you haven’t already. 

      Due Wednesday: 


      1.  Finish FDR ch. 5 and complete  handout. I forgot to check questions 1-5 so please bring them all in tomorrow! 
      2. Complete Teach-In proposal with a title for your workshop, description, materials, introduction, explanation, activity, closure.
      • Use this exact guide to plan your workshop!
      • One proposal per group.  Make sure to give each group member a specific job in the workshop.

      O N G O I N G

      ALL  5 SUSTAINABILITY visits and BLOG POSTS should be completed by Monday, April 20th! 

      If you are needing a visit, consider:

      Museum of Arts and Design at 2 Columbus Circle to see Second Lives: Remixing the Ordinary to see art made of recycled materials.,/greater%20than/,/0/,/false/,/true&action=advsearch

      See Also:


      To post on the sustainability blog, you need cut and paste this into your browser:  The password is something you can find out from your classmates–hint: it’s the reverse of the name of our blog.  NOTE: YOU MUST ALSO CLICK off the 2008-2009 box AND then click the box in front of your name right after you compose the journal entry and before you click publish. Look under Blog Post Directions on the upper right of the blog for more clarity.

      Monday, April 13

      Due Tuesday:

      1. FDR ch. 5. Read ONLY pages 65-74 and do questions 1-5 on handout.
      2. Read TKAM ch. 10 and be quiz-ready. (10 pages of reading). CATCH UP IN THE BOOK IF YOU ARE BEHIND. You will have quizzes every day for a while so just do your HW!

      Due Wednesday: Note: you will also have reading to do, so don’t leave this all for Tuesday night!

      • Complete Teach-In proposal with a title for your workshop, description, materials, introduction, explanation, activity, closure.
      • Use this exact guide to plan your workshop!
      • One proposal per group.  Make sure to give each group member a specific job in the workshop.

      SUSTAINABILITY VISITS & B L O G  POSTS–all 5 visits should be completed by Monday, April 20th! 

      If you are needing a visit, consider one of these:

      2. Museum of Arts and Design at 2 Columbus Circle to see Second Lives: Remixing the Ordinary to see art made of recycled materials.,/greater%20than/,/0/,/false/,/true&action=advsearch

      See Also:


      To post on the sustainability blog, you need cut and paste this into your browser:  The password is something you can find out from your classmates–hint: it’s the reverse of the name of our blog.  NOTE: YOU MUST ALSO CLICK off the 2008-2009 box AND then click the box in front of your name right after you compose the journal entry and before you click publish. Look under Blog Post Directions on the upper right of the blog for more clarity.