Category: Uncategorized

Saturday, May 16

THANK YOU FOR AN AMAZING TRIP!  You all were a pleasure.

Due Monday:

  1. Final To Kill a Mockingbird Assignment! (extended due date–no exceptions)
  2. Be prepared to share your reflection on the Holocaust Museum: a. something that struck you about the building. b. something that struck you or you learned about the US response. c. something that you learned about resistance/rescue.

Sunday, May 10

BUGSY MALONE WAS FANTASTIC! WOW! Great, great work. :)

For Monday:


  1. Spend time working and planning the final To Kill a Mockingbird Assignment! THE FINAL ASSIGNMENT IS NOW DUE the MONDAY AFTER DC TRIP FOR ALL STUDENTS, NOT JUST THOSE IN PLAY. Please note, however, that we will have a DC reflection due that Monday as well, so do plan ahead and do not leave the whole thing to that weekend. Spend about an hour on it between today, Sunday, and tomorrow, Monday.


  1. Tomorrow we will spend from 2-3 PM as a whole grade preparing to visit the Holocaust Museum. This is a very important preparation time.  Please be there for it. If you have a plan to leave early, please try to rearrange today.
  2. Bring in your DC permission slip if you have not! Forms, packing list, etc. are posted below.
  3. Consider coordinating with your roommates about what to bring on the trip.

For Tuesday:

Meet at 7:45 AM for Gettysburg/DC Trip departure! PLEASE NOTE: All the forms are posted below in a post from last week.

Thursday, May 7

Today was the last day to post about your 5th Sustainability Visit and your 6th post about the Teach-In was due last week. Many of you are missing at least one of these posts. Expect to be in Study Group on Friday and to have your grade lowered if you did not complete 5 Sustainability Visits.  Speak with me first thing if you are one of these folks!

For Friday:

  1. Spend at least 45 minutes on the final To Kill a Mockingbird Assignment! Bring in any questions you have about them. Only SELECT one.
  2. Bring in your DC permission slip if you have not! Forms, packing list, etc. are posted below.

Due Monday:

Final TKAM Assignment due at 8:20 AM!

For Tuesday:

Meet at 7:45 AM for Gettysburg/DC Trip departure! PLEASE NOTE: All the forms are posted below in a post from earlier today.

Tuesday, Cinco de Mayo

Due Wednesday:NOTE: At 8 AM there is the parents’ Gettysburg/DC trip meeting in Momii’s room.

  1. Complete timeline on FDR ch.8 “War Clouds,” if you didn’t finish in class.
  1. Continue towards completing TKAM for Thursday morning at 8:20 AM !  You have 34 more pages to read, so don’t leave it all to the last night! Enjoy the completion of this amazing book. :)

Due Thursday:

1. Finish chapters 28-31 (34 pages) of TKAM by 8:20 AM and do not share the ending until then! :) Be quiz-ready.

2. SUSTAINABILITY BLOG: you must have 6 total posts–5 about 5 visits that YOU did and one reflection post!If you still have to complete a visit, do so by Thursday, May 7, FINAL DEADLINE.

Monday, May 4

*Today in splits, we completed this sheet on TKAM 24 & 25. 

*In Core All we began making this time line using FDR ch.8 “War Clouds”  about WWII.

* NOTE there will be NO IWP tomorrow in school. We will have a whole eighth grade meeting with Mark, Momii and me about the trip to Gettysburg and DC.  Our trip leaves a week from tomorrow!

Due Tuesday:

  1. Start FDR ch.8 “War Clouds”  about WWII by reading pages 127-133 (3 1/2 pages of text) and start the time line that is loaded here. Stop after you complete a description of November 9, 1938: Kristallnacht.(We will continue the FDR 8 and time line together in class tomorrow and complete this introduction to WWII prior to our visit to the Holocaust Museum in DC).
  1. Read To Kill a Mockingbird ch. 26 & 27 (13 pages) and complete questions on handout. Be quiz-ready, of course!

Due Wednesday:

NOTE: At 8 AM there is the parents’ Gettysburg/DC trip meeting in Momii’s room.

Continue towards completing TKAM for Thursday morning at 8:20 AM !

Due Thursday:

1. Finish chapters 28-31 (34 pages) of TKAM by 8:20 AM and do not share the ending until then! :) Be quiz-ready.

2. SUSTAINABILITY BLOG: you must have 6 total posts–5 about 5 visits that YOU did and one reflection post!If you still have to complete a visit, do so by Thursday, May 7, FINAL DEADLINE.

Friday, May 1

Due Monday:

  • To Kill A Mockingbird, chapters 24 & 25 (14 pages) and be quiz-ready.
  • SUSTAINABILITY BLOG: you must have 6 total posts–5 about 5 visits that YOU did and one reflection post! If you still have to complete a visit, do so by Thursday, May 7, FINAL DEADLINE.)