Category: Uncategorized

Thursday, June 4

Tomorrow is the high school’s graduation! Please dress up to honor the graduates and their families. No shorts or ripped clothing at all, please (or too short skirts either). We have regular classes and then go to NYU for the ceremony at 12:30 and we’ll be back by 3 PM.

Due Friday, June 4:

Due Monday, June 8:

  • Poetry Self-Assessment and Titling--Today in class we completed this handout on our 5 best poems and turned it in with the poems! If you were absent, complete this on your own and turn it in!
  • Your 2nd sketch for your stamp

Wednesday, June 3

Poetry Self-Assessment and Titling--Today in class we completed this handout on our 5 best poems and turned it in with the poems! If you were absent, complete this on your own and turn it in!

Due Thursday, June 4:

Monday, June 1st!

Notes: *** Tomorrow is our trip to the National September 11 Museum and Memorial. We leave at 12:30 and will return by day’s end.  Please wear layers and dress appropriately and respectfully ***Moving Up Speech deadline extended until Thursday, June 4.  ***BOOK RETURN: BRING IN FDR, TKAM, library books, and any other texts or library books you have that belong back here!

Due Tuesday, June 2:

  • PREPARATION for POETRY WRAP UP: Bring in your five best poems from writing workshop, typed up by 8:20 AM.
  • Final Report Comment: Email me your core comment draft with the subject line as YOUR NAME, COMMENT to, using the guidelines here and your 2nd and 3rd quarter comments (I gave these to you in class today).
  • Night, read pages 85-100 and be quiz-ready.

Due Wednesday, June 3:

  • Night, finish the book (pages 100-115)  and complete questions on the handout for the final assignment on the reading.

Due Thursday, June 4:

Friday, May 29

Due Monday:

Read Night, Section 4, pages 66-84and complete 7 questions on handout.


BOOK RETURN: BRING IN FDR, TKAM, library books, and any other texts you have that belong back here!

Due Tuesday, June 2:

  • PREPARATION for POETRY WRAP UP: Bring in your five best poems from writing workshop, typed up by 8:20 AM.

Due WEDNESDAY, June 3: (NOTE: Date on assignment sheet says Tuesday, June 3–oops!)

  • MOVING UP SPEECH, one and one half page minimum, typed. Due at 8:20 AM.  Guidelines here.

Thursday, May 28

Due Friday:

Read the assignment sheet for Night Session 3 so that you have the main idea behind this reading in mind.

Go on to read Night, pages 47–65 and  complete the questions on the  handout.


BOOK RETURN: BRING IN FDR, TKAM, library books, and any other texts you have that belong back here!

Due Tuesday, June 2:

  • PREPARATION POETRY WRAP UP: Bring in your five best poems from writing workshop, typed up.

Due WEDNESDAY, June 3: (Date on sheet says Tuesday, June 3–oops!)

  • MOVING UP SPEECH, one and one half page minimum, typed. Due at 8:20 AM.  Guidelines here.

Wednesday, May 27

NOTE: If you were absent yesterday (Tuesday), you MUST catch up by doing the introduction to the reading of Night (posted on yesterday’s blog) and read as much of the book up to page 46 as you are able. Instead of doing the written work, complete the reading for tomorrow’s class , and then if time, complete questions on the second section only. 

Due Thursday:

Night, pages 23-46; answer questions on handout.


Due Tuesday, June 3:

Moving Up Speech, 1 1/2 page minimum, typed. Due at 8:20 AM.  Guidelines here.

Tuesday, May 26


Today in class we launched our study of the book Night, by Elie Wiesel.  If you were absent, you must complete the introduction we did, using this handout to guide you.  Read the background, answer the questions, click the maps and watch the 5 minute video.  Go on to read the preface to the new translation. You must do all of this so that you are prepared for the first reading.  Then, I highly recommend you buy the text at any bookstore so you can complete the reading and homework, assigned below.

Due Wednesday: Night, Session One Assignment: there are typos in this version, and the blog will NOT let me repost the corrected version. I am sorry!

1/Read vocabulary definitions on the handout to support you in the first section of the reading.

2/If your class did not finish the preface in class, begin by completing it. You may not skip it.

3/I highly recommend that you read the foreword.

4/ Read pages 3-22, and complete the questions on the handout.

Thursday, May 21

Tomorrow is Field Day! Our color is GREEN! Please show up in GREEN.  Our buddies are very excited. Also, BRING YOUR LUNCH–no nuts, seeds, or glass bottles.  

  • Due Tuesday: Reflect on “To Kill A Mockingbird:” the film and read the articles in the packet.  This response will be graded, so be especially thoughtful in it!
  • For those doing the Final Report on Water: you know who you are.  Here is that handout, just in case.

Tuesday, May 19


Tonight is MS Awards night. It starts at 6 pm

Tomorrow is the New Families Reception at EI at 6:30. If you are going to EI, you and your family should be there!

Thursday is the Spring Chorus Concert at 6:30!

Due Wednesday:

1. Finish your thank you letter to Frances Irwin. You may decorate it and print on stationery.

2. Write a thank you note (1 page minimum) to your sustainability organization, or if you have several, write shorter notes.

3. Bring in the contact info. for your sustainability organizations written on a piece of paper.

4. Plan ahead! Start FDR ch. 9 & 10 HW!

Due Thursday:

FDR ch. 9 & 10 with 15 questions. It is up to YOU to copy the pages from the book or borrow if you lost yours!

Monday, May 18

Thank you for your attention and thoughtful questions to Frances Irwin! She LOVED being with you.

For tomorrow, think about what you would like to say to her in a thank you letter.

Also, think about what you will say to your sustainability hosts in a thank you letter. We’ll look at the form for these together tomorrow and begin writing.