Category: Uncategorized

Friday, October 2

Due Monday, October 5:

1. Select person to interview and set up a time to interview him/her and complete interview by Wednesday morning. Here is the assignment: FamilyInterviewRev

Here is Momii’s example: FamInterMollyRev

2. Complete annotating every page of the Meltzer essay and complete handout questions 1-5 (not 6!). You must have the handout with you to complete the annotations. Here are the questions: MeltzerQuestions

O N G O I N G:

For Wednesday, October 5: Complete your Family/Friend Historical Interview and be sure to take down at least 3 direct quotations. Also, remember to take a photograph!

For Friday, October 9: Complete your  Family/Friend Historical Interview write-up and scan in a photograph!

Wednesday, September 30

Happy Birthday to Benno!

Great job those of you who read in Middle School meeting! You were GREAT–all the faculty is saying so. There will be other chances for the rest of you, so take that chance to shine in front of the whole Middle School!

Due Thursday, October 1st:

1. Action Art Gallery Reflection sheet. ActionArtGalleryReflection Be sure you bring your gallery comment sheet back to school with this!

2. Find and bring to school the brainstorm you did for this project. You must turn it in with your project for the final grade, so if it is lost, you will have to redo it. Here is the assignment sheet for it: ActionArtBrainstorm

Friday, September 25


  • You have Monday off for  Yom Kippur.
  • Tuesday night is curriculum night at 6:30PM. Your parents/guardians are invited to meet all of your teachers and hear about each one’s classes for the year.

Due Tuesday, September 29:

  • Your revised curriculum night letter based on my suggestions and edits.  Bring in your rough and final drafts together, please! 

Due Wednesday, September 30:

  • Your Action Art Project and Action Artist’s Statement! Assignment for Project and Prompts for writing Action Artist’s Statement here: ActionArt Assignment’s Rubric here: ActionArtRubricFinal

Thursday, September 24

Due Friday:

  • Complete the packet of readings on the Little Rock Nine and their legacy and complete the writing and underlining according to the directions.
  • Read and sign the core expectations, and have a parent sign as well. If you switch between two houses, make sure the adult in each location signs. We’ll have a little quiz on this information so I know you read it! (scroll down for a link to this if you lost it and need to print it out–it’s posted earlier this week)
  • Bring in materials to work on your Action Art Assignment in class.  Make sure you have also gone over the rubric so you know how you will be assessed!
  • Be sure you have your independent reading book with you.


Due Wednesday, September 30:

  • Your Action Art Assignment and your Action Artist’s statement!  We will have a gallery where you can view and comment upon one another’s work.

Wednesday, September 23

Due Thursday:

  • If you want to run to be a student representative, write a speech that you will deliver in Core All on Thursday morning.
  • Be sure you have completed all of Three Cups of Tea (including the interview with Amira Mortenson at the end)  and bring the book to school with you!
  • Begin your Action Act Project!  ActionArt
  • Read the grading rubric for your Action Art Project carefully so that you can use it to plan. Bring in any questions you have. ActionArtRubricFinal

Due Friday:

  • Read and sign the core expectations, and have a parent sign as well. If you switch between two houses, make sure the adult in each location signs. We’ll have a little quiz on this information so I know you read it!
  • Bring in materials to work on your Action Art Assignment in class.

Due Wednesday, September 30:

  • Your Action Art Assignment and your Action Artist’s statement!  We will have a gallery where you can view and comment upon one another’s work.

Tuesday, September 22

Due Wednesday:

  • Write a letter to your parents/guardians for curriculum night, following the guidelines. Curriculum Night Letter Directions
  • Read your independent reading book for 30 minutes and have an adult sign that you did so.
  • Bring your Ind Read book to school!

Due Thursday:

  • If you want to run to be a student representative, write a speech that you will deliver in Core All on Thursday morning.
  • Be sure you have completed all of Three Cups of Tea (including the interview with Amira Mortenson at the end)  and bring the book to school with you!

Due Friday:
Read and sign the core expectations, and have a parent sign as well. If you switch between two houses, make sure the adult in each location signs. We’ll have a little quiz on this information so I know you read it!

Monday, September 21

Due Tomorrow:

Civil/Human Rights Brainstorm, ONLY do questions 1-4. Civil/HumanRightsBrainstorm

Due Thursday:

If you want to run to be a student representative, write a speech that you will deliver in Core All on Thursday morning.

Due Friday:

Read and sign the core expectations, and have a parent sign as well. If you switch between two houses, make sure the adult in each location signs. We’ll have a little quiz on this information so I know you read it! CoreExpectations09-10

Friday, September 18

Congrats on your first full week of Eighth Grade at LREI! Well done so far!

Due Monday:

1. Revise your “Theme B” Poems according to this checklist (click the link below)and the writing poetry activity we did today in class. Be sure not to loose any of the drafts!

Theme B Checklist

2. Read the NYTimes article, “The Closing of the American Book” (click link below) with an adult, discuss, and get the adult’s signature to certify that you did this assignment!

The Closing of the American Book

3. Get your “Acceptable Use” and “Permission to Leave and Reenter the School Building After Dismissal” forms signed if you have not

4. Book Talk: Nathaniel, your turn! :)

L o o k i n g A h e a d:

For Thursday, September 24:

You must have completed the book Three Cups of Tea and read the interview with Amira Mortenson at the end and bring in the book if you have not already done so.

Thursday, September 17

Due Friday:

  • Read for 45 minutes tonight in an independent reading book and get an adult’s signature to certify that you did so on a piece of paper or in your assignment pad
  • Bring your independent reading book to school
  • Get your “Acceptable Use” and “Permission to Leave and Reenter the School Building After Dismissal” forms signed if you have not
  • Book Talks: the rest of you who have not gone!
  • CATHERINE and NATHANIEL: Please have your trip cards filled in and return tomorrow!

Looking Ahead:

  • For Thursday, September 24: You must have completed the book Three Cups of Tea and read the interview with Amira Mortenson at the end and bring in the book if you have not already