Category: Uncategorized

Monday, November 16

If you were absent, please note the symbolic rep due date is extended until Wednesday and there is an assignment due Friday that is loaded here that you might want to get started on!

Due Tuesday:

1. Lincoln--Read the first half of Lincoln ch. 6, pages 93-105 (the rest of the chapter is not due until Wed. and there will be a reading quiz)

2. TBAS Essay Electronic Copy–be sure you have the most recent complete draft of your TBAS essay that we will work on in class tomorrow-you can email it to yourself or have it on a flashdrive.

3. Work ahead on the following assignments & keep reading your CWar book.


Due Wednesday:

NOTE: There will be no IWP on Wednesday, so plan accordingly.

1. Lincoln–Finish reading ch. 6 (105-115) for a reading quiz.

2. TBAS–Symbolic Rep on Emancipation due!

Due Thursday:

Civil War Letter #4!  Make sure you are keeping up with the reading!~

Due Friday:

  • Final draft of TBAS essay (we will work on this in class Tuesday and Friday)

Due Tuesday, November 24: Your final Civil War Letter! :)

Thursday, November 12

Due Monday:

1. Lincoln ch. 5- Second half and complete the questions, and do only one of the thought questions! The handout is posted earlier in the week, if you don’t have the questions.

2. TBAS-Ch. 6–complete reading this chapter and select a quotation for which you will make a symbolic representation. If you were absent, here is the handout we did together in class to prepare for the assignment. ch. 6 Symbolic Rep. You will have time to start this in class on Monday.

3. Continue reading your Civil War book so you are on track!


Tuesday, November 17: TBAS ch. 6 Symbolic Representation of Emancipation.

Thursday, November 19: Letter #4 to your partner. Remember, use your packet to see the checklist and proper format. 1 1/2 pages, 1.5 spacing, typed due at 8:20 with 2 copies!

November 10, 2009

Due Wednesday:

Lincoln ch. 5- First half.  Read Lincoln pages 67-80 and ONLY ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-7 on the handout. Lincoln5


1. Thursday, November 12: Quiz on Lincoln ch. 3 and ch. 4 vocabulary (20 words). You must know their definition, part of speech, and be able to compose a sentence that shows the word’s meaning. We will review them on Monday.

2. Thursday, November 12: Letter #3 to your partner. Remember, use your packet to see the checklist and proper format. 1 1/2 pages, 1.5 spacing, typed due at 8:20 with 2 copies!

Monday, November 9

Due Tuesday:

  1. Read for 45 minutes in your CWar Book.
  2. Begin studying for vocab quiz Thursday! (20 words)


1. Thursday, November 12: Quiz on Lincoln ch. 3 and ch. 4 vocabulary (20 words). You must know their definition, part of speech, and be able to compose a sentence that shows the word’s meaning. We will review them on Monday.

2. Thursday, November 12: Letter #3 to your partner. Remember, use your packet to see the checklist and proper format. 1 1/2 pages, 1.5 spacing, typed due at 8:20 with 2 copies!

Thursday, November 5

Have a good three-day weekend! :)
Due Monday:

  1. TBAS essay draft–complete the first draft, including a title and a conclusion, typed up, 1.5 font and turn in at 8:20! You are mostly done with this. Great!
  2. Lincoln ch 4 Vocabulary SENTENCES– You have already looked up these words and defined them. Now use each of them in a sentence that shows their meaning.  (12 words)
  3. Civil War Book Project: Keep reading so you are on track for your upcoming 3rd letter!

O N G O I N G:

1. Thursday, November 12: Quiz on Lincoln ch. 3 and ch. 4 vocabulary (20 words). You must know their definition, part of speech, and be able to compose a sentence that shows the word’s meaning. We will review them on Monday.

2. Thursday, November 12: Letter #3 to your partner. Remember, use your packet to see the checklist and proper format. 1 1/2 pages, 1.5 spacing, typed due at 8:20 with 2 copies!

Due Wednesday:

  1. Lincoln: Chapter 4, questions 13-21. (handout is posted on earlier posts this week)
  2. Writer’s Notebook: Complete your 8 columns in your writer’s notebook–5 columns to go–2 minutes of listing per column, 10 minutes of writing!
  3. Civil War Independent Book Project: Continue reading your book so you are on schedule! :)

O N  G  O  I  N  G

  • Due Thursday, November 5: Civil War Independent Book Project Letter #2. Remember, in this letter you must respond to your partner’s letter. Remember also to implement the things you said you would in your letter to me about letter #1.  Use proper format and use the checklist to guide you.

Continue reading

Monday, November 2

Happy November!

Due Tuesday:

  1. Lincoln: Complete questions 1-12 ONLY  Lincoln4QuestionsRevised
  2. TBAS Essay: Revise body paragraphs 1 &2 so that I can see that you have reworked them based on our work in class today AND write out body paragraph 3, and analyze your quotation according to the notes we did today. You may write by hand or type this work.
  3. Civil War Independent Book Project: Continue reading your book so you are on schedule! :)

O N  G  O  I  N  G

  • Due Wednesday, November 4: Writer’s Notebook: Complete your 8 columns in your writer’s notebook–5 columns to go–2 minutes of listing per column, 10 minutes of writing!
  • Due Thursday, November 5: Civil War Independent Book Project Letter #2. Remember, in this letter you must respond to your partner’s letter. Remember also to implement the things you said you would in your letter to me about letter #1.  Use proper format and use the checklist to guide you.

Friday, October 30

Happy Birthday, Jason and Happy Halloween, both tomorrow! Enjoy and be safe.

Due Monday:

  1. TBAS: Complete your essay introduction (completed or nearly so today in class), and body paragraphs 1 &2 (completed as HW).  Make sure your body paragraphs follow the guidelines in the “Building an Essay Packet” which may require some reworking.  Your introduction and 2 body paragraphs may be handwritten in your packet OR typed up for Monday.
  2. Lincoln: Vocabulary from Lincoln ch. 4. ONLY do vocabulary definitions and part of speech (do NOT do sentences or the reading or questions). Lincoln4QuestionsRevised
  3. Civil War Independent Book Project: Continue reading your book so you are on schedule! :)

O N  G  O  I  N  G

  • Due Wednesday, November 4: Writer’s Notebook: Complete your 8 columns in your writer’s notebook–5 columns to go–2 minutes of listing per column, 10 minutes of writing!
  • Due Thursday, November 5: Civil War Independent Book Project Letter #2. Remember, in this letter you must respond to your partner’s letter. Remember also to implement the things you said you would in your letter to me about letter #1.  Use proper format and use the checklist to guide you.

Wednesday, October 28


Great writing workshop today! Thank you.

Due Thursday:

  • First Quarter Core reflection, minimun 3/4 of a page. Note: this should reflect your best writing and effort, and please be specific.Here is the assignment. 1stquarterreflection09
  • Continue reading your Civil War book in preparation for writing your first letter! You may want to actually start the letter itself tonight to get a jump on it.

Due Friday:

First Letter to your Civil War Book Partner. Minimum 1 and 1/2 pages typed, 1.5 spacing.  YOU MUST review the guidelines in your assignment packet to be sure you fulfill the requirements.

O N G O I N G–Reading of your Civil War book should be ongoing.

Due Wednesday, October 4: For Writer’s Worskhsop, finish your high/low columns.  2 minutes per column of listing to complete all 8 columns.

Due Thursday, October 5: Civil War letter #2! Don’t forget that in this letter you must respond to your partner’s first letter!

Due Thursday, October 12: Civil War letter #3!