Category: Uncategorized

Tuesday, December 8

**Begin formulating an opinion about why we have paired the novel Part-Time Indian with the Reconstruction Era. What are the thematic links between them? Speculate about what they might be in preparation for our culminating activity which is an in-class writing next week.

Due Wednesday:

  1. Freedom’s Unfinished Revolution: Read pages 263-265, and make notes on the those pages on this handout (ONLY do the first page). ChartingRetreat
  2. Part-Time Indian–read pages 98-134 and be prepared to answer questions in class

Due Thursday:

  1. Freedom’s Unfinished Revolution: Read pages 266 & 267, and make notes on the those pages on the handout under the corresponding headings. 
  2. Part-Time Indian–read pages 135-178.

Due Friday:

Freedom’s Unfinished Revolution: Read pages 268-272 , and make notes on the those pages on the handout under the corresponding headings. Your chart should be completely filled out.

Due Monday:

Part Time Indian–finish the book–pages 196-230. Be sure to read the very last 8 pages of the book (after the discussion questions portion) “Interview with Ellen Forney,” the illustrator. Be quiz-ready!

Monday, December 7

Today is Pearl Harbor Day. “A day which shall live in infamy.” -Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Due Tuesday:

1. Part-Time Indian– read pages 66-97, and be prepared to answer questions in class.

2. Reconstructing America: Read chapter 17 and answer the questions on the handout. Ch 17 Hakim

Friday, December 4

Due Monday:

  • The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie, pages 31-66 and answer the questions on these pages IN NOTE FORM.  Alexie1-65Questions


  • Think about what Social Justice Issue you want to take on for the Social Justice Project, and keep asking around for contacts!

Wednesday, Dec 2

Due Thursday:

Social Justice Project Launch: Find 3 Social Justice organizations whose missions interest you in NYC, and write their contact information on the chart as directed.

Do not put the same contact organizations as your friends just for credit. The point here is to gather as many organizations as possible so that ALL eighth graders will have a database with which to find organizations that they can work with. TeachInLaunch09


Due Next Wednesday:

1. For Writer’s workshop, complete the Three-Line Timeline that was started in class. Bring it to class next week.

Tuesday, December 1

Welcome to December!

Important Note: If you were absent, please open the Teach-In 2009 handout below, watch the 3 clips we watched in class as indicated at the top of the sheet, read the one-page write up and begin hunting for three NYC organizations as the handout directs you to.

Due Wednesday:

Reconstructing America, chapters 4-7 with questions. ReconstructingAmerica. 1-7

Due Thursday:

Social Justice Project Launch: Find 3 Social Justice  organizations whose missions interest you in NYC, and write their contact information on the chart as directed.


Wednesday, November 25

Have a Happy Happy Thanksgiving!

There is no Core homework so rest up, have fun with your families and loved ones, and take it easy!


Friday, November 20

If you haven’t emailed me your Celebrations poem I need it ASAP, please!!

Due Monday:

  • Lincoln & TBAS: Read ch. 7 in Lincoln (7 pages) and ch. 7 and the epilogue in TBAS (11 pages) to prepare for an in-class writing.
  • Civil War book–finish it this weekend!

Due Tuesday, November 24:

  • Your 5th and  final Civil War Letter! :) 2 copies at 8:20!  Remember, your last letter must discuss the book’s ending and in it, say goodbye to your partner.
  • Socratic Seminar Preparation: Annotation and writing on “Who Freed the Slaves?” You need your Lincoln book to complete the first part of  this. WhoFreedtheSlavessocsem.

THANKSGIVING BREAK HW: Eat, drink, and be merry! And, of course, give thanks.  :)

Thursday, November 19

Due Friday:

  • IMPORTANT HW CHANGE: THE ONLY HW IS TO COMPLETE YOUR ESSAY. (The Who Freed the Slaves? Packet is due Tuesday AND so is your final letter so please, please plan ahead!)
  • Final draft of TBAS essay! Be sure you turn it in with your rough draft with teacher’s comments and your final copy has been proofread, speal chceicked (ha ha) and edited!  Due printed-out at 8:20AM!


  • Finish your Civil War book this weekend!

Due Tuesday, November 24:

  1. Your 5th and  final Civil War Letter! :) 2 copies at 8:20!
  2. Socratic Seminar Preparation: Annotation and writing on “Who Freed the Slaves?” You need your Lincoln book to complete this. WhoFreedtheSlavessocsem.

Tuesday, November 17

If you were absent, please note the symbolic rep due date is extended until Wednesday and there is an assignment due Friday that is loaded here that you might want to get started on!

Due Wednesday:

NOTES: There will be no IWP on Wednesday, so plan accordingly. Also, Writing Workshop will be used to work on essays.

  1. Please bring in a lap top if you have one.
  2. Bring in your electronic copy of TBAS most recent draft. No exceptions.
  3. Lincoln–Finish reading ch. 6 (105-115) for a reading quiz.
  4. TBAS–Symbolic Rep on Emancipation due! This is NOT a project. This should be something you spend 45 min to one hour total on. Some of you are overdoing it. It is only a quiz grade!

Due Thursday:

  • Civil War Letter #4!  Make sure you are keeping up with the reading!

Core Splits for working on essays today!

Due Friday:

  • Final draft of TBAS essay (we will work on this in class Tuesday and Friday)

Due Tuesday, November 24: Your final Civil War Letter! :)