Category: Uncategorized

Friday, January 15

Have a great MLK Weekend.  Reminder: there is no school Monday. Consider gathering any of the following items because they are urgently needed for relief for Haiti.  They will be sent directly there on Tuesday via charity:water.  Drop off times at LREI are Saturday 10-12:00 and Monday 9-11; school will be open to accept donations.  If you are unfamiliar with the situation there, please read today’s NYTimes or watch the news tonight.

Feminine hygiene products
Sleeping bags*
Medical gloves
Cases of bottled water

Homework due Tuesday:

  1. MLK Socratic Seminar Follow Up- If you were absent, complete all parts of the questions that you are able to. REVISED MLKSocraticFollowUp
  2. Personal Narrative–Complete your revision work and bring in a revised, completed draft that is clipped to our first draft and your self-edit check sheet.


Social Justice Project: Make sure that your group has contacted at least 3 organizations for your Social Justice Project. You need to have made an appointment for a visit before the end of January; no exceptions! Make sure you get directions to your locale, and know whom to call if you are lost, and what name to give when you arrive. Plan your route out, and be on time! There are only 2 weeks left this month!

Thursday, January 14

I hope today went well with Janice!

Here is the HW; again, sorry for the late posting.

Due Friday:

  1. MLK Assignment: Complete your work reading and responding to MLK’s “I Have a Dream” Speech.  Assignment here: I Have a DreamAssign2 Text of speech here: IHaveaDreamText
  2. By the end of the day Friday, your group must have contacted three organizations for your Social Justice Project.  No exceptions.


By the end of January (two weeks!)  you must have at least one visit to an organization for your Social Justice Project that takes place outside of school hours.

Wednesday, January 13

Sorry this is getting posted so late, everyone!


1. Read for 60 minutes and get a signature that you did so!

2. Bring an electronic copy of your personal narrative so that you are able to work on it in class (email, flash drive or a lap top)

3. By Friday, you and your group have made contact with at least 3 organizations for your Teach-In.  If you think you only have 1 or 2 to contact, you must broaden your search!  We will work on this in advisory on Thursday (tomorrow!).

Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Great to see you all today (sorry you were sick, Violet and Josh)!  Also, thank you for excellent reports from Janice! Well done.

Due Tuesday: Here is the HW for our visit tomorrow to the high school to view “Black/Jew Dialogues.” BlackJewDialogues

O N G O I N G:

If you have not turned in your self-edit and your personal narrative first draft, I need it!

Wednesday, Jan 6

Due Friday:
Complete, full, draft of your personal narrative. This draft must be 1.5-3 pages max. It must have evidence that you have read and reworked the story and should have attempted one or more of the following: Action, Dialogue, Typical or Reaction lead AND have some element of inner thinking and detail to tell the story.
***we will work with this draft in class on Friday.

Due Monday:
1. WINTER Book Project is due along with a 2-3 minute “presentation” of it for the class to enjoy.

Tuesday, Jan 5

Happy New Years!

Due Wednesday:

1. Your writer’s notebook with you personal narrative draft.

2. Select and start the first draft of your winter book project.

Monday, December 14

Note: If you were out, you will need to make up a quiz over the end of Part-Time Indian, as well as this assignment.  We will discuss how to do this so you feel confident about it. ReconRoundUpInClass

Due Tuesday:

Note: I will be out writing recommendations. Janice will be in to check your work and teach core! Be great! :)

1. Holiday Reading–Have your book in your hand, and your parent’s signature on the assignment if you have not brought it in yet.

2. Reconstruction and Part-Time Indian Connection Writing, 1 to 1 and a half pages typed, 1.5 to double spaced.Recon&PartTime

3. A can of salmon or ham for a HW check-it’s the last day!

Due Wednesday:

1. Gift for your secret non-sectarian gift receiving friend (also called “Secret Santa”)–today your max $5.00 gift is due (homemade is awesome too!).

Note: You will get this assignment in class Tuesday, with explanation and time to begin working on it. For HW/blog purposes, here it is:

2. Part-Time Indian– Prepare for Thursday’s In-Class Assessment InClassAlexie

a. selecting which of the 2 choices you will write about

b. filling up your notecard on one side only with planning notes

c. marking the places in your book you will cite with post-its or flags. All of this is due Wed.  Part-TimeIndianRubric

Thursday, December 10

NOTE:  WE ARE OUT TO HAVE 100% of us bring in a one-pound can of ham or a 14 ounce can of pink salmon for St. John’s Food Pantry. Don’t forget to get yours!

**Begin formulating an opinion about why we have paired the novel Part-Time Indian with the Reconstruction Era. What are the thematic links between them? Speculate about what they might be in preparation for our culminating activity which is an in-class writing next week.

Due Wednesday:

  1. Freedom’s Unfinished Revolution: Read pages 263-265, and make notes on the those pages on this handout (ONLY do the first page). ChartingRetreat
  2. Part-Time Indian–read pages 98-134 and be prepared to answer questions in class

Due Thursday:

  1. Freedom’s Unfinished Revolution: Read pages 266 & 267, and make notes on the those pages on the handout under the corresponding headings.
  2. Part-Time Indian–read pages 135-178.

Due Friday:

  1. Freedom’s Unfinished Revolution: Read pages 268-272 , and make notes on the those pages on the handout under the corresponding headings. Your chart should be completely filled out.
  2. Part-Time Indian–read pages 178- 196.
  3. Holiday Reading Assignment: Pick your book and have an adult read the assignment and sign your sheet. It says due Friday, and I have given an extension until Monday. You must have your book in your hand by Tuesday no matter what. HolidayReading09-10

Due Monday:

Part Time Indian–finish the book–pages 196-230. Be sure to read the very last 8 pages of the book (after the discussion questions portion) “Interview with Ellen Forney,” the illustrator. Be quiz-ready!